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Media Invited to Cover and Photograph Nursing Pinning Ceremony

Nursing Students gather at their Pinning Ceremony as Practical Nurses.

Members of the media are invited cover and photograph the University Nursing Pinning ceremony on Friday, May 10, in the First Floor Conference Room of the Administration and Conference Center Building (ACC) on the St. Thomas Campus.

The pinning of nursing students marks the culmination of a period of study to becoming a practical nurse. The students will take a sacred oath of commitment, The Florence Nightingale Pledge at the ceremony.

This badge of honor gives them the rite of passage to become a potential registered nurse.

Members of the University community, friends and family as well as the public is invited to attend.

What:             2019 Annual Nursing Pinning Ceremony

When:             Friday, May 10, 2019

Time:              6 P.M.

Where:           Administration and Conference Center (ACC) Building - First Floor Conference Room

Contact:         UVI Public Relations Office (340) 693-1059