IInstitutional Assessment plays an integral role in strategic planning, institutional research and effectiveness, outcomes, and ultimately accreditation. The goal of Institutional Assessment is to lead and support a systematic review of the institutional mission, goals, and outcomes, using ongoing research-based planning and evaluation, which will result in continuous improvement in institutional quality. Institutional Assessment will also guide the process of effectively accomplishing UVI’s mission according to the strategic plan, Pathways to Greatness, and accreditation standards.
Assisting Institutional Assessment accomplish its mission are the following departments:
- Assessment is an ongoing process that integrates into every aspect of the university, a climate of program enhancement from academic programs and student life to better serve the larger community.
- Assessment results are used to improve and maintain the integration of planning, evaluation, and review processes as they relate to the development of academic, student support and administrative support programs.
- Findings from the systematic assessment process create a basis for decisions about budget and resource allocation.
- Assessment will be an ongoing process to identify program effectiveness and priority needs necessary for successful achievement of the mission, goals, and objectives.
- Assessment within each academic unit is an ongoing process that emphasizes overall program effectiveness and the development of student learning outcomes related to the subject matter specialty inclusive of human, ethical and professional values.
- Assessment in support units is a continuous process that emphasizes the provision of quality services that are effective and efficient to meet the needs of a diverse student population and other internal and external constituents.
- The effective planning and budgeting process depends on input from every level of the University, and incorporates internal and external parameters and assumptions, that are designed to benefit the students and support their learning outcomes.
- The use of the latest technology will be used to facilitate the planning, budgeting and evaluation process.
- Assessment Reports:
- 2011-2012 Reports
- 2010-2011 Reports
- 2007-2008 Reports