UVI holds the President for a Day role reversal once a year and alternates between both campuses – the St. Thomas campus and the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix.
This annual initiative was created to offer UVI undergraduate students a unique professional development experience, insight into the realities of running UVI, and give the institution’s top administrator a better understanding of the student experience.
UVI ‘President for a Day’ Program Accepting Applications; Deadline set for March 30
The “UVI President for A Day” program is currently accepting applications from eligible undergraduate students interested in participating in a President for a Day role reversal. The successful student will have the opportunity to swap roles with UVI President Dr. David Hall. In turn, President Hall will attend the student’s classes and take part in events in the student’s current schedule.
Here’s your chance to:
Gain first-hand insight into running a university.
Exchange roles with President Hall for one day.
Show President Hall what it’s like to be a student at UVI.
Have a unique professional development experience.
Implement one of your ideas for real, lasting change at UVI.
Eligible applicants must be a full-time, undergraduate UVI student with a GPA of 2.5 or above and must be enrolled in classes on the St. Thomas Campus. The application deadline is Friday, March 30.
"The President for A Day" role reversal day will take place Friday, April 13. Both Dr. Hall and the chosen student will give a public presentation of their experiences.
Use this link to the President for a Day Application. This annual event affords the president the chance to experience student academic and social life first-hand. Also, it provides UVI students, insight into the roles and responsibilities of a university president. The student chosen for this honor receives a $1,000 scholarship.
For additional information please see this link or visit www.uvi.edu. You may also contact Jose Raul Carrillo at (340) 693-1043 or at jcarril@uvi.edu.
President for a Day 2016
The 2016 role reversal will took place on Wednesday, November 16 on the Albert A. Sheen Campus. David Hall swapped roles with Dwane Hendrickson. Dwane served
as UVI’s President for a Day and followed President Hall’s schedule; meanwhile, David Hall attended classes and other student activities.
Dwane was the fourth student selected to serve as President for a Day. This annual initiative was created to offer UVI undergraduate students a unique professional development experience, insight into the realities of running UVI, and give the institution’s top administrator a better understanding of the student experience.
Dwane hails from the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis where he received an associate degree in General Studies at the Nevis Sixth Form College. Dwane is a senior and an honor student majoring in accounting at UVI. He recently completed The Washington Center Internship and Educational Seminar program where he had the opportunity to intern with Citigroup Inc. as an associate in the International Governance Affairs department. He aspires to work within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the authority figure on the country's external relations and its diplomatic missions abroad. Dwane also serves in leadership roles in the St. Kitts Nevis Student Association and Toastmasters International student clubs. He is also a Thurgood Marshall College Fund Student Ambassador. Dwane is a strong advocate for the performing arts as he enjoys singing, dancing, poetry, folklore, and preservation of Caribbean culture.
Dwane swapped classes and text books for campus meetings and a briefcase, while Dr. Hall gave up his office in the Great House and executive attire for business calculus, auditing and government accounting classes, and meetings with various student groups. Dr. Hall and Dwane will share their role-reversal experiences with the UVI community on Wednesday, November 30.
President for a Day
Role Reversal Schedule
November 16, 2016
Dwane Hendrickson
10:00 am – Meeting with the St. Croix Presidential Advisory Committee
11:30 am - Meeting with the Vice Provost for Access & Enrollment Services
12:00 pm – Meeting with the UVI St. Kitts & Nevis Student Association
1:00 pm – Meeting with the Student Government Association
2:00 pm – Special Meeting with President’s Cabinet
3:30 pm – Meeting with the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
4:00 pm – Meeting with the Vice Chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees
5:00 pm - Dinner in the Cafeteria
6:30 pm – Attend Cooperative Extension Service (CES) Computer Class Closing Ceremony
David Hall
9:30 am – Work in the Office of Student Affairs
11:00 am – Receive Career Counseling
11:30 am – Share information about Thurgood Marshall College Fund’s benefits and opportunities
12:00 pm – Chair the UVI St. Kitts/Nevis Student Association Meeting
1:00 pm - Lunch in the Cafeteria
1:30 pm – Attend Student Government Association meeting
2:00 pm – Lime in the Student Lounge
3:00 pm – Study in the Library
5:00 pm - Dinner in the Cafeteria
5:30 pm – Attend Business Calculus class
7:00 pm - Attend Not-for-Profit and Government Accounting class
8:30 pm – Attend Auditing class
President for a Day
Recap Presentation
11am on November 30, 2016
NWW 102 and 103 on the Albert A. Sheen Campus
T 213 on the St. Thomas Campus
UVI’s Reality Series All-Star Cast:
President Dwane Hendrickson on November 16, 2016
President Jared Hanley on April 13, 2015
“When it comes to leadership, this experience definitely boosted my skills; I think I matured ten-fold in one day. . . As a leader you should know how to serve the people you are working for. It [the experience] taught me how to think rationally, how to think outside the box, how to take opinions and how not to take opinion too heavily, but also making sure you command the right ways. It was all a great experience to build my character.” – President Jared Hanley on April 20, 2015
Student David Hall on February 21, 2013; October 30, 2013; and April 13, 2015; and November 16, 2016
"I got a glimpse of what students encounter as they go through the experience . . . Anytime you can interject something that forces us to get out of our routine and see the world in a different way, it is just very exciting." - Dr. David Hall on February 21, 2015
“I got to work with the group during class time to develop a major presentation. . . It was so intriguing to see how engaged they were, how they delegated tasks, how they worked as a team. And always, I am impressed with how bright and thoughtful our students are.” – Dr. David Hall on October 30, 2013
“My overall experience from this year’s President for a Day event was very impressive; there’s always more to learn about being in the students shoes and looking at the university from the student perspective . . . the challenge of understanding and appreciating what a commuter student goes through. That very revealing to me. We know these things already, but having to deal with them is always more enlightening.” – Dr. David Hall on April 20, 2015
"I would like my fellow students to know that being the president is not easy, and should not be taken lightly. My overall experience was great. Different meetings with cabinet members, as well as meeting with Board of trustees chairman Alexander Moorehead gave me great insight on how tough the president's job can be . . . Be the change you want to see in the world, and push for what you want in life always. President Sheena Tonge on November 25, 2013
"This experience has added to my professional background even if it's just for one day on the job... I gained confidence in my leadership abilities and learned how to plan and execute goals with a management team - all while wearing heels."– President Marsha Laurencin on February 24,2013