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Media Invited to Launch of Federal Early Childhood Grant

The media is invited to a forum on the launch of a new Virgin Islands Partners for Early Success grant.

The media is invited to an informational forum on the launch of the new Virgin Islands Partners for Early Success (VIPES), a study of the early childhood system in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The launch event will take place 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 24, in the first-floor conference room of the University of the Virgin Islands Administration and Conference Center (ACC) on St. Thomas.  The session will be video conferenced to St. Croix and can be viewed in the Great Hall at the UVI Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix.

The Virgin Islands Partners for Early Success is a childcare research partnership between the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services (DHS), the Eastern Caribbean Center of the University of the Virgin Islands, the Virgin Islands Department of Education, and the Virgin Islands Early Childhood Advisory Committee.

The study will help public and private agencies determine which indicators best predict if children are ready for school and prepared for early success. The kick-off event will include remarks from Dr. David Hall, president of the University of the Virgin Islands, and Vivian I. Ebbesen-Flood, commissioner of the Department of Human Services, as well as other guests. Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter and Sen. Kurt Vialet will also be in attendance.

Dr. Frank Mills, the vice provost of Research and Community Service at UVI, will provide welcoming remarks. Dr. Elizabeth Jaeger, director of Quality Services at DHS, will also speak.

What:  Virgin Islands Partners for Early Success

When:  Thursday, Sept. 24

Time:     9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Where:   Administration and Conference Center Building, first-floor

Contact: Office of Public Relations   (340) 693-1057 or