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UVI Board of Trustees to Meet on Saturday, June 15

Trustees Meeting

The University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees will meet at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 15, in the Administration and Conference Center on UVI’s St. Thomas Campus.

The meeting will begin with the election of officers. A slate of candidates for the positions of chair and vice chair has been developed and will be presented to the Board for their deliberation and action. The Board meeting will continue with regular session agenda items. UVI President Dr. David Hall will present the President's Report. He will be followed by Chairman's Comments from Board Chairman Alexander A. Moorhead. The Board will receive an update report from the Research and Technology Park Board. Then the Board of Trustees will consider agenda items that require action.

Items for action include: the approval of a Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Systems and Technology and the approval of parking policy and traffic regulations for both campuses. The Board will be asked to ratify an action taken by the Executive Committee, for easements on both campuses for the Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (VINGN).

The Finance and Budget Committee will present items for action including: the Fiscal Year 2014 Operating Budget, a proposal to transfer quasi-endowment and certain restricted accounts to the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands for management and investment purposes, proposed changes and expansions of the Teacher’s Insurance and Annuity Association/College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA/CREF), UVI’s Acceptable Use Policy and funding for renovations to the Reichhold Center for the Arts.

The Planning Committee will present a list of UVI’s institutional and aspirational peers to the Board for its review and approval. UVI’s key performance indicators will also be reviewed and the Board will go into executive session before being adjourned.

The UVI Board of Trustees last met on March 9, on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on the St. Croix Campus.