In the regular session of its quarterly meeting on March 9,
the University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees voted to
request an appropriation of $27,417,712 from the Government of the
Virgin Islands for fiscal year 2013-2014. In his presentation to
the Board, Finance and Budget Committee Chairman Edward E. Thomas
said that his committee was proposing the appropriation request
"reluctantly," as it is $1.4 million less than UVI's current
budget, but met the expenditure ceiling set by the VI Government's
Office of Management and Budget.
"This, from my vantage point, is really a severe reduction for
the University on the heels of a $3.5 million reduction last year
and other reductions the year before," UVI President Dr. David Hall
said at the meeting, held on UVI's Albert A. Sheen Campus on St.
Croix. "This really will have a tremendous impact on us," Dr. Hall
continued. "The thing that makes this one more severe than any of
the others is that we have been able to keep our classes on a
regular schedule. We have not affected the teaching resources up
until this time," Dr. Hall said. "There is no way, and I underscore
no way, that we can address the $1.4 million without affecting our
instructional resources; and I think that puts our students at
jeopardy, that puts some of our academic programs at jeopardy and I
just don't think it's in our best interest," he said. "This is not
just about UVI, it is about the quality of the territory," Dr. Hall
said, noting ripple economic and quality-of-life effects.
In a lengthy President's Report, Dr. Hall focused largely on
enrollment and retention challenges at UVI. The two areas were
discussed separately, with Dr. Hall explaining the institution's
traditional approaches to recruitment, and new initiatives to
increase enrollment. Those new initiatives include increased
outreach to high school juniors and seniors in the territory and
abroad through strategic mailing and calling programs, increased
memorandums of understanding with eastern Caribbean countries, and
open houses on both campuses. UVI will also begin administering an
admitted student survey to gather data on why students choose to
attend UVI or another institution.
Dr. Hall said the recently launched Center for Student Success
(CSS) is UVI's main answer to student retention. The Center is the
umbrella body for UVI's Freshman Development Seminar; Advisement,
Registration and Rehabilitation; Learning Assistance; Summer
Bridge; and University Bound (formerly Upward Bound).
Trustee Jennifer Nugent-Hill said that UVI's enrollment and
recruitment challenges are directly linked to the territory's
socio/economic issues. Nugent-Hill said she often hears parents
say, "I am sending my children off-island to save them." The
community can no longer deny the effects that crime is having, she
said. "All of us are now being affected directly," she said.
The Board also approved:
- A memorandum of understanding between UVI and the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI), in keeping with best practices between universities and their foundations, and also for financial benefits to UVI.
- Amendments to FUVI's articles of incorporation that were adopted by the FUVI Board in February.
- A policy for Retention, Archival and Disposal of documents for the Board's office.
The Board also ratified several actions taken by the Executive
Committee, including a resolution authorizing a loan to the
Research and Tech Park Corporation, the updated Human Resources
Policy Manual and a resolution authorizing the execution of an
agreement for the Solar Energy Project.
As customary in recognizing UVI employees, departments or
groups that have performed exceptionally with the President's
Appreciation Awards, Dr. Hall recognized Albert A. Sheen Campus
Director of Campus Operations Nereida Washington for spearheading
UVI's new Emergency Management Committee and her leadership in the
development of UVI's first comprehensive Emergency Response
The Board also welcomed Trustee Oswin Sewer, Sr. to his first
meeting and bid farewell to Alumni Trustee Marthious Clavier, whose
term will expire.
A review of UVI's Key Performance Indicators included the
profile for entering freshmen and compared UVI's retention rates
with those of peer institutions.
In executive session, the Board's Executive Committee adopted
a resolution to petition the governor of the Virgin Islands.