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UVI Board of Trustees to Meet on Saturday, March 9

The University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees will meet at 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 9, in the Great Hall's North West Wing on St. Croix's Albert A. Sheen Campus.

The meeting will begin with regular session agenda items. UVI President Dr. David Hall will present the President's Report. He will be followed by Chairman's Comments from Board Chairman Alexander A. Moorhead. The Board will receive an updated report from the Research and Technology Park Board. Then the Board of Trustees will consider agenda items that require action.

The Board will take action on a policy for retention, archival and disposal of documents for the office for the Board of Trustees. The board will also be asked to ratify actions taken by the Executive Committee, which include the adoption of a resolution authorizing a loan to the Research and Technology Park Corporation, the adoption of a resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the solar energy project, and the approval of the University's updated human resources manual. The Finance and Budget Committee will request authorization from the Board to submit the FY 2013 -2014 appropriation request to the Office of Management and Budget of the VI Government.
UVI's key performance indicators will also be reviewed. The Board will go into executive session before being adjourned.

The UVI Board of Trustees last met on Oct. 27, on St. Thomas.