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UVI to Offer a New Minor in Data Science Program This Fall

UVI Student Using a Computer

This Fall, the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) will offer a new minor in Data Science. This new program housed in the School of Science and Mathematics, is a multidisciplinary program which uses mathematics, statistics, and computer science together to gain knowledge and insights from data in all disciplines.

“Data is critical in every field,” said Dr. Joanne Luciano, distinguished professor of Data Science. “Dentists look at X-rays, journalists use data to create info graphs, and we are using testing and contract tracing to help us monitor and mitigate the spread of the Coronavirus,” she said “We engage with data every day, but we don’t realize it because we don’t think of it that way. Our phones store all kinds of information about us, not only names and phone numbers, text messages and photos, but also where you’ve been.”

Two new courses have been introduced with the minor. The data science I course is designed for all majors, and the Data Science II course is designed for the students who minor in Data Science and or meet all the prerequisites. Students who enroll in the minor in Data Science program will be required to complete 18-20 credits.

“A Data Science minor or course in Data Science on a student’s transcript will make the student a more desirable candidate for any job or graduate school,” Dr. Luciano stated. “And because Data Science is inherently multidisciplinary, students will learn skills and be exposed to other disciplines that will increase their value in any job.”

This program was designed specifically for the Virgin Islands community. Similarly, the University is working toward introducing a certificate in Data Science. The goal is to target workforce development to increase the capability of the Virgin Islands government in all its departments in order to save money spent on external consultants and learn how to generate, integrate and analyze data to make informed decisions that best serve the residents of the Virgin Islands. UVI’s program in Data Science offers Virgin Islands residents to empower themselves to become data literate. 

For more information about the minor in data science program, visit  or use this direct link to the degree programs page.