The Eastern Caribbean Center (ECC) of the University of the Virgin Islands is conducting its annual Virgin Islands Community Survey (VICS). The goal of the VICS is to provide a clearer understanding of the changing population and housing statistics in the U.S. Virgin Islands.
The VICS is now in Phase I – mapping – UVI employees are on St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. John updating a list of addresses. During this first phase of the project, UVI employees will travel to randomly selected estates to collect locations and addresses of residential housing using GPS devices. Phase II – interviewing – will begin in July. During the second phase, UVI employees will administer a housing and population survey to randomly selected households. Every mapper and surveyor will have official UVI identification cards.
Demographic surveys such as this one provide important information to educators, the legislature, businesses, and anyone needing information about the community. The survey will generate official Virgin Islands statistics relating to economics, population, housing, health, and employment.
“Each selected household can experience a sense of accomplishment by contributing to data that will greatly assist in the development of the Virgin Islands community,” said Dr. Frank Mills, vice provost for Research and Public Service at UVI. Many government and non-profit agencies rely on the data for grant applications and other types of funding.
The public is assured complete confidentiality concerning their information, as the data are published in summary form only and individuals cannot be identified. As in the Census, the anonymity of respondents is a cornerstone feature of this survey. All of our employees – full-time, part-time and temporary – take an oath of confidentiality and sign a confidentiality agreement.
For more information about the Virgin Islands Community Survey, call the Eastern Caribbean Center at (340) 693-1020.