The Eastern Caribbean Center of the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) will conduct the 2009 Virgin Islands Community Survey (VICS) during the months of April through July. This scientific survey of a sample of households is a follow-up to the one conducted in 2008 that collected information similar to that gathered in the census of 2000.
VICS data for 2009 will be gathered on two topics - population
and housing. Population questions cover items such as age, sex,
education, ethnic origin, employment, health insurance, veteran
status and disability. Housing questions cover items about the
housing unit in which respondents live, such as: number of rooms,
utilities, ownership and rent.
"When processed, the 2009 VICS will provide data for government
agencies whose jobs are to organize and plan for the social,
educational, health, economic and other needs of the community,"
said Dr. Frank Mills, director of the Eastern Caribbean Center.
"The data are also used by private-sector individuals for decision
making and employed by others to develop important indices of the
status of children in the territory," Dr. Mills said.
The University of the Virgin Islands requests the cooperation of
the public when interviewers carrying UVI photo IDs visit
households on all three islands. Unlike the census, this is a
sample survey and not every household will be interviewed.
The public is assured of complete confidentiality of their
information gathered, as the data is published in summary form only
and individuals cannot be identified. As in the census, anonymity
of respondents is a cornerstone feature of this survey.
"Each selected household can experience a sense of accomplishment by contributing to data that will greatly assist in the rational development of the Virgin Islands community," Dr. Mills said.
For more information call the Eastern Caribbean Center at UVI at 693-1020.