The VI-CPM program offers to its alumnae the rigorous academic and practical curriculum presented in a graduate program through the 210 hours of in-class instruction as well as the extensive industry research, writing assignments, and individual and group projects.  Listed below are the courses taken by students in the VI-CPM program.  All courses are taught either by UVI faculty or industry leaders with at least 15 years of related experience in the field.

CPM 030 - Orientation Management Assessment

Through the use of self-assessment tools, learn how your personal style and needs compare with agency goals and other public managers' styles.

CPM 100 - The Public Management Profession and Environment

Learn current and relevant information on public management as a profession, including how the field is changing, how your position is affected by trends outside the organization and issues you will want to monitor in the coming year.

CPM 110 - Presentation Skills

Learn the critical skills needed to present yourself orally in many different settings, from one- on-one conversations to formal speeches and interviews with the media.

CPM 118 - Organizational Analysis

Learn to define your role in redesigning--not reorganizing--your organization. Learn to assess efficiency and effectiveness and to engineer the changes needed for productive growth.

CPM 119 - Managing Organizational Change

Learn to be an innovator and manager of change. Learn how people react to change and how you, as a manager, can help others to understand and accept change.

CPM 120 - Strategic Thinking Planning and Org Transformation

Discover how to use planning as a reliable management tool by learning how to develop measurable, obtainable goals; how to motivate others to understand these goals; and how to adapt your strategic plan to the future.

CPM 130 - Productivity and Quality Improvement

Explore all aspects of public sector quality improvement, including the manager's role, and ways to establish and measure your product and success stories in other public agencies.

CPM 140 - Problem Analysis and Problem Solving

Learn the systematic process of problem-solving, including communication processes to improve creativity; roles for groups and teams in problem-solving; how to define problems in different ways; and the limitations of your present problem-solving style.

CPM 160 - Ethics, Values, and the Public Manager

Learn how to promote ethical conduct, how to manage ethically and the potential problems in enforcing rules governing ethical behavior.

CPM 170 - Leadership

Examine leaders and leadership--what determines who becomes a leader, how to develop leadership abilities and how the context affects your behavior as a leader.

CPM 200 - Case Studies in Decision Making

Instructor-led seminar course

CPM 200 - Case Studies in Decision Making

Instructor-led seminar course

CPM 204 - Managing Projects

Learn the tools and methods for planning for, managing and evaluating projects. Learn how to manage multiple projects and maintain effective reporting systems.

CPM 207 - Program Evaluation Techniques

Learn the major information sources for a program evaluation, specific evaluation methods, the variety of statistical measures for analyzing data and how to prepare a responsive evaluation report.

CPM 209 - Developed Case Studies

Instructor-led seminar course

CPM 220 - Policy Analysis for Non-Policy Analysts

Learn established methods to evaluate policy decisions, predict outcomes, solve problems, make decisions and compare results.

CPM 222 - The Territorial Budget Process

Learn how the territory's annual budget is created, from the development of agency budget requests to the Governor's signature on the final budget bill many months later. Discover what factors influence whether a specific agency will be supported by the Legislature and the governor and the roles played by specific committees and members of the legislature in the budget process.

CPM 225 - Media Relations

Learn the rules for establishing and managing a proactive media relations program for your agency. Includes a discussion of public/media relations planning, and dealing with crises.

CPM 226 - Working with Councils, Boards, and Commissions

Learn to manage the tension between democracy and professionalism, how to describe your job and goals to elected or politically-appointed bodies, respond to policy-makers’ questions and demands, and build consensus on the board. 

CPM 227 - Executive Writing

Improve your memos, letters and reports. Learn to select structure and supporting materials, choose appropriate language and analyze your intended audience. Participant writing samples will be analyzed.

CPM 229 - Advanced Issues in Ethics

Learn to recognize, analyze and resolve complicated problems of unethical behavior. Discover how to create an ethical environment.

CPM 232 - Customer Service as a Strategic Issue

Learn to motivate and orient the organization to the possibilities, challenges and rewards of improved customer service and to apply marketing concepts.

CPM 234 - Legislative Relations

Learn the general legal boundaries limiting the conduct of public officials and understand the difference between government practices and traditional business practices.

CPM 240 - Organizational Performance Measurement

Learn to develop clear objectives and to analyze your organization's effectiveness in achieving objectives. Learn the most efficient ways of achieving success at every level of management.

CPM 242 - Developing Your Resilience

Apply various organizational approaches or images as tools for guiding management action using these different 'lenses' to analyze, diagnose and transform your organization.

CPM 250 - Creative Problem Solving

Learn and practice techniques for improving your own creativity, that of your coworkers, and that of your organization as a whole. Learn ways to apply creative approaches to decision ­making, problem-solving, planning, program evaluation, customer service, and many other management functions.

CPM 252 - Advanced Leadership

Learn to develop strategies and take risks in support of a leadership vision.

CPM 260 - Risk Management

Learn the issues involved in the risk management process, including types of risk, manageable risk, loss control programs, selling the concept of risk management, control techniques, and insurance and liability in the public sector.

CPM 261 - Grantsmanship

Learn all the steps to locate and develop funding for your organization. Get expert advice on finding and approaching public and private sources of funding.

CPM 265 - Records Management

Discover what distinguishes a record, how to conduct a records inventory, and how to set up a records management program for your agency. Other topics include electronic records, retention scheduling and records law.

CPM 267 - Managing Managerial Time and Stress

Learn the relationship between time management and stress and how to develop your personal time management system to reduce your managerial stress.

CPM 270 - Lean Six Sigma

Learn the methodology that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste and reducing variation. 

CPM 271 - Budgeting/Financial Management

Learn the forms and varieties of budgeting in public administration and specific opportunities for improvement in the public manager's budget.

CPM 281 - Human Resource Management

Learn the benefits and pitfalls of current HRD practices (such as employee assistance, wellness, training and education programs) and why every manager must be an HRD manager, as well.

CPM 287 - Employee Relations

Learn a variety of techniques to build a good relationship between management and labor, including successful methods shared by guest speakers from the employee relations field.

CPM 297 - Keys to Coaching Employees

Learn how coaching helps make a great manager and practice coaching skills that you can use every day at work. Explore the importance of body language, tone of voice and three levels of listening; practice open-ended questions, reflective responses, positive feedback, correcting statements and how to engage cooperation from your staff.