St. Croix:
American Cancer Society, St. Croix Unit: Provides support for persons dealing with the disease.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a self help group for individuals in recovery and individuals seeking to sustain recovery from alcohol addiction.
Phone: (340)7765283
Department of Health/Division of Mental Health: Provides mental health service for adults and children as well as persons with a substance abuse.
Phone: (340)773-1311
Department of Human Services: Provides service for children, teens and families and persons with disabilities.
Phone: (340)773-2323
Legal Service of the Virgin Islands is nonprofit legal assistance programs that provide legal aid to low income families.
Phone: (340)773-2626
VI Association for Independent LIving: Provides a variety of service to individuals with disabilities including peer counseling, information and referral. advocacy, and independent living skills training.
VIAA - Virgin Islands Advocacy Agency: Provides assistance for persons with a disability (all areas).
Phone: (340)692-1200
VICARE is a local nonprofit agency that provides HIV/AIDES testing, referrals, counseling, and prevention education.
Phone: (340)692-9111
Virgin Islands University Center for Excellence on Development Disabilities: The mission of VIUCEDD is to enhance the quality of life for individuals with disabilities and with tools necessary for independence, productivity and full inclusion into community
life. This is done via training, technical assistance, dissemination of information on best practices, advocacy and support services for families.
Phone: (
340) 692-4265
Wheel Coach Ambulance Service St. Croix: Provide medical service for patients who are physically challenged - wheelchair, stretcher and walking. Will meet flights and boats to pick up individuals. Located in Sion Farms.
Phone: (340)719-9335
Woman's Coalition is a nonprofit organization that provides free services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes.
24-hour hotline: (340)773-9272
Work-Able: Provides supported employment services for persons worth a disability or other special needs. Also offers a Family Education Program creating lasting family connections(12-17 years old). Located in Sunny Isle Mini Mall.
Phone: (340)778-6862
St. Thomas:
Alcoholics Anonymous is a self help group for individuals in recovery and individuals seeking to sustain recovery from alcohol addiction.
Phone: (340)776-5283
American Cancer Society, St. Thomas provides assistance to individuals with cancer.
Phone: (340)775-5373/Fax: (340)775-1583
Department of Mental Health provides mental and substance abuse treatment and services.
Phone: (340)774-4888
Department of Human Services provides social services to individuals in need.
Dial a Ride provides transportation service to individuals with disabilities and the elderly.
Phone: (340)776-1277
Disability Rights Center is a nonprofit agency providing services for a wide range of mental and physical disabilities.
Phone: (340)776-4303
Family Resource Center is a nonprofit organization that provides free service to domestic violence victims and victims of crimes.
Phone: (340)776-3966
Helping Others in a Positive Environment (HOPE) is a local nonprofit agency that provides HIV/AIDES testing, referrals, counseling, and prevention education.
Phone: (340)777-1611
Legal Service of the Virgin Islands is a nonprofit organization that provides legal assistance to individuals based on their income level.
Phone: (340)774-6720 Fax:(340)777-8686
St. John Community Crisis Center is a nonprofit organization committed to providing services to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crimes free of charge.
Phone: (340)693-7233
The Family Connection (TFC) is committed to "strengthening the early education infrastructure in the territory." TFC serves as a resource library for child care providers and parents. Technical assistance is also provided to a child care center interested in seeking accreditation.
Phone: (340)777-0990
VI Association for Independent Living provides a variety of services to individuals with disabilities including peer counseling, information and referral, advocacy, and independent living skills training. They are located in Wheatley Shopping CenterII.
Mailing address PO Box 303305 St. Thomas, VI 00803 Phone: (340)777-4978 Fax: (340)774-8210
National Resources
AIDS Info, a service of the US Department of the US Department of Health and Human Services offers information of HIV prevention, research, and treatment.
The Black AIDS Institute follows the motto, "Our People, Our Problem, Our Solution," and bring together Black people in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
Family Violence Prevention Fund (FVPF) develops innovative strategies to prevent domestic, dating and sexual violence, stalking and child abuse.
American with Disabilities Act provides protection against discrimination for individuals with disabilities.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial