May 2006
Compiled by Stephen Small & Mary Huser
Family Living Programs, Cooperative Extension
University of Wisconsin-Extension/ Madison

The following websites contain descriptions of evidence-based programs that have met specific criteria for effectiveness. They cover a range of areas including the prevention of substance abuse and violence as well as the promotion of a variety of outcomes such as school success and emotional and social competence.

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) Model Programs
The programs on this site (promising, effective or model) have been tested in communities and schools across America and proven to prevent or decrease substance abuse in children. It includes a user-friendly matrix of evidence-based programs and a set of links to related websites.

Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence, Blueprints for Violence Prevention
This research center site provided searchable databases of effective programs, books, reports and journal articles on violence and related subjects. Eleven (11) prevention and intervention programs that meet a strict scientific standard of program effectiveness are listed. These model programs (Blueprints), have been effective in reducing adolescent violent crime, aggression, delinquency, and substance abuse. Another 18 programs have been identified as promising.

Strengthening America's Families: Effective Family Programs for Prevention of Delinquency
This online document summarizes results for "best practice" family strengthening programs. Included are two page summaries of family-focused programs which have been proven to be effective. Programs listed are divided into categories based upon the degree, quality and outcomes of research associated with them. A program matrix is also included, which can be helpful in determining "at a glance" which programs may best meet community needs.

National Institute on Drug Abuse
This website does not contain a registry in which the programs are categorized according to a judgment of their effectiveness. Instead, it provided examples of evidence-based drug abuse prevention programs. The programs are categorized according to their target audience-universal, selective, indicated, or tiered. The website also contains links to other prevention resources.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Model Programs Guide
http://www.dsgonline.com/mpg2.5/mpg index.htm
The OJJDP Model Programs Guide is a user-friendly, online portal to scientifically tested and proven programs that address a range of issues across the juvenile justice spectrum. The Guide profiles more than 175 prevention and intervention programs and helps communities identify those that best suit their needs. Users can search the Guide's database by program category, target population, risk and protective factors, effectiveness rating, and other parameters. This user-friendly, searchable program guide contains more programs than the other registries.

Promising Practices Network on Children, Families and Communities
The Promising Practices Network website contains a registry of Proven and Promising programs effective for a variety of outcomes. These programs are generally focused on children, adolescents, and families. The website provides a thorough summary of each program.

Office of Justice Programs, Community-based Programs
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/commprograms/field tested programs.htm
This site covers promising and innovative programs in areas of community policing, violence prevention, crime and drug abuse prevention.

Surgeon General's report on youth violence
The Surgeon General's website contains a report on youth violence in the
United States. The report contains a registry of Model, Promising, and "Does Not Work" practices programs for the prevention of youth violence at three levels of intervention-primary, secondary and tertiary.

The Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
http://www.casel.org/about sel/SELprograms.php
This website contains a registry of Select programs that research has indicated are effective in promoting social and emotional learning schools. This type of learning has been shown to contribute to positive youth development, academic achievement, healthy behaviors, and reductions in youth problem behaviors.

Northeast CAPT Database of Prevention Programs
This site features a simple or advanced search function to find substance abuse and other
types of prevention programs and determine their effectiveness according to a variety of criteria. Also included is information about the sources those agencies used for their evaluations, contact information, websites, domains, relevant references, and a brief description of each.

Department of Education, Safe and Drug Free Schools
The Department of Education and the Expert Panel on Safe, Disciplined and Drug-Free Schools identified nine exemplary and 33 promising programs. The 2001 report at this site provides descriptions and contact information for each program.

Evidence-based Practices in Suicide Prevention Program
The Suicide Prevention Resource Center and The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention have developed an online registry of evidence-based suicide prevention programs. The online registry of fact sheets lists programs by title, intervention type and rating.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
This site is for the Center for the Prevention of Youth Violence lists web sites for model and promising programs.

" Download the full What works, Wisconsin report at (http://ojsa.state.wi.us/jj/docview.aso?docid=5077& locid=80), and browse through additional information on the What Works website (http://oja.state.wi.us/jj/)

For more information, contact Stephen Small: sasmall@wisc.edu