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Special Education Schedules Public Meetings on Parental Survey Results; Dates Changed

The results of the Seventh Annual Parental Satisfaction Survey are complete. Public presentations and discussion of the results are scheduled for Thursday, July 28 at the University of the Virgin Islands' Great Hall on St. Croix; and on Wednesday, July 27 at UVI's Administration and Conference Building (ACC) room 142 on St. Thomas.

Presentations will be held from 6 to 8 pm in both districts and are open to the public. Parents and guardians of children receiving special education and related services, SOSE team members, the V.I. Advisory Panel on Special Education (VIAPSE) members and other interested persons are encouraged to attend. The survey was conducted by UVI's Eastern Caribbean Center (ECC).

For more information on SOSE Parental Satisfaction Survey, contact Renee Charleswell at 776-5802 or Kathleen Merchant at 773-1095, ext. 7087.