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UVI’s Etelman Observatory Schedules Public Viewing Session on Feb. 21

A public observing session at UVI’s Etelman Observatory on St. Thomas is planned for 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21. Guests will be treated to views of the planet Jupiter, the Orion Nebula, and new supernova SN2014J, using the Virgin Islands Robotic Telescope. The evening will also feature a video presentation and lecture describing five surprising, enlightening and just plain awesome phenomena in the universe. "We are pleased to invite the St Thomas public to join us and enjoy the night sky, views of our galaxy, and a discussion of interesting and exciting topics in the world of astrophysics and space science," said Dr. David Morris, director of the Etelman Observatory.

This event is presented free of charge. Space is limited. Please RSVP by email to or call (617) 510-1658.