The herd is located on the Longford property on the southeast end of St. Croix, which is the dry end of the island. The cattle are grazing on approximately 900 acres. Forages consist primarily of guineagrass (Panicum maximum) and luecana, aka tan-tan, (Lucaena leucocephala) with some hurricane grass (Bothriochloa pertusa) and Casha (Acacia spp). The herd is currently managed to calve in the spring, but is capable of having both spring and fall calving seasons. Breeding takes place using natural service in single sire groups with a bull to cow ratio of 1:25 for 60 days. Calves are weaned around 205 days of age. Because of the problem of ticks, cattle are dipped once a month. Bull calves are not castrated because there is a local market for young bulls as meat.

Working facilities are located on the property and include a squeeze chute, sorting pens, and a dip tank. Cattle are currently dipped once a month to keep tick loads minimal. Well water supplies our water troughs in pasture and these are filled by automatic solar well pumps.

Dr. Bob on Cisco   Young Senepol bulls