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Public Invited to Use of Farm Inputs in Sustainable Agriculture Practices Webinar

Attention all Locals farmers, Mentor Farmers & Outreach Professionals!

The University of the Virgin Islands School of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service invites you to the “Use of Farm Inputs in Sustainable Agriculture Practices” informational lecture and webinar. Join us, Tuesday, June 29, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., online via Zoom with Dr. Louis E. Petersen, Jr., Agriculture and Natural Resources assistant director STT-STJ and USVI Southern SARE outreach coordinator; Vanessa Forbes, USVI Southern SARE assistant outreach Coordinator and Dr. Amy J. Dreves, Integrated Pest Management and Pesticide Safety Education.

For farmers, mentor farmers, agricultural outreach professionals and others interested in learning about identifying appropriate inputs and practices that promote and support sustainable agriculture systems. Topics include sourcing locally available inputs, reduced-risk products, pest prevention tools, low-impact implements, water issues-retention, drainage, and efficient use, and the use of seasonal flowering plants.

To register contact Dr. Louis E. Petersen Jr. at (340) 693-1083 or email at  or Vanessa Forbes at (340) 6924092 or email