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VIUCEDD 15th Annual ‘Voices that Count’ Policy Forum to be Held on Nov. 5 & 7

The University of the Virgin Islands Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (VIUCEDD) presents the 15th annual ‘Voices that Count’ Policy Forum. The community-at-large (advocates, caregivers, family members, private businesses, and organizations) is invited to join the conversation about accessibility needs for persons with disabilities.

This year’s theme, “Accessibility is a Civil Right,” emphasizes the impact of accessibility or lack thereof has on one’s life. Accessibility is not just about physical spaces, but it includes other aspects of life such as communication. Together, we will hear personal testimonies and explore the importance of access to the lives of persons with disabilities.

The forum will feature presentations and panel discussions that will demonstrate the importance of policies that are inclusive of persons with disabilities and how they can improve the “ability” to “access” services and spaces needed to have a quality life.

The presenters will include:

  • Jeiri Flores - Disability Rights Activist from Rochester, NY
  • Nina Garcia - Library Technician II, Self-Advocate from the Virgin Islands
  • Panel Discussion from key stakeholders for accessibility policies

On St. Croix

Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019 - 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

University of the Virgin Islands Albert A. Sheen Campus, Great Hall

On St. Thomas

Thursday, Nov. 7, - 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Windward Passage Hotel - Caribbean Conference Rooms A & B

To register, visit:

For more information, contact (340) 693-1406 on St. Thomas or (340) 692-4265 on St. Croix.