Register for ENG 432, Major British Author: Jane Austen. It is for three credits and is totally online. Jane Austen is the author of the early 19th century “Pride and Prejudice,” perhaps the best-known and best-loved English romance novel of all time, with numerous stage and movie adaptations, plus a wide variety of popular spin-offs both for the screen and as modern novels. Mr. Darcy, the male lead character, is often considered the ideal romantic hero, while Elizabeth Bennet, the central character of the novel, and one of the author’s own favorite creations, is intelligent, independent, and funny.
Jane Austen, who died in early middle age, also wrote five other wonderful novels, all of them considered masterpieces, classics—and all adapted for both stage and cinema more than once. Austen’s family history is rich with delicious contradictions and complex challenges. People all over the world have found the time period of this British novel, and of Austen’s life (the very end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century), almost as intriguing as the novels themselves.
The next time this course is offered in Spring 2021, a different author will be the focus. “When I taught this course some years ago, focusing on Jane Austen, the students loved it—and so did I. Then it was a V course, video-conferenced so students had to come to either the STX or STT campus twice a week, but now it is more convenient, since it will be delivered online” said Dr. Patricia Harkins-Pierre. Good news—the pre-requisites can be waived at the teacher’s discretion—and in this case, the teacher is also the Chair of EHMLA (English, Humanities, Modern Languages, and Philosophy).”
There is no standard textbook required. All of the novels themselves are available as e-books and can also be accessed for free online. Any potential students are welcome to contact Dr. Patricia Harkins-Pierre at (340) 693-1357 and feel free to leave a voice mail message if she does not answer; in addition, she can be reached at
Here is the course description from the catalog: ENG 432. MAJOR BRITISH AUTHOR. This course will be an in-depth study of the works of one major British author, including his or her historical and biographical context and any necessary language study. Authors covered will vary, but will include such figures as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen and James Joyce. The course may be repeated for credit with a change in topic. Prerequisites: ENG 261-ENG 262. Offered in Spring of odd-numbered years.