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"Medical Marijuana: Cultivating a New Virgin Islands" Presentation to be Held on Feb. 21

Commissioner Designee Terrence “Positive” Nelson will discuss the Medicinal Cannabis Care Act (Bill #32-0135) which legalized medicinal marijuana in the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2019.

Come out at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019, in the Administration and Conference Center, 1st Floor Conference Room for the Medical Marijuana: Cultivating a New Virgin Islands Presentation.

Commissioner Nelson will discuss the impact of the act on our health care system, tourism, and workforce. Information will also be shared about how to start a cannabusiness.

It is guaranteed to be a stimulating and informative presentation!

For more information, please contact Dahlia Stridiron-Felix at (340) 693-1136 or email