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2018 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) Administration Begins Feb. 22

The Office of Institutional Research and Planning will collaborate with Indiana University for Postsecondary Research to administer the 2018 National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) from Feb. 22 through April 10.

Freshman, sophomore and senior students are asked to check their emails and or Blackboard to see if they have been selected to take the online survey. Students will have the opportunity to voice their opinions, share experiences of how they interact with faculty and peers, how they utilize their time and what they gained from their entire educational experience at UVI.

The data collected will assist the administration, faculty, and staff to implement changes for improving and meeting the needs of our students. To learn more about NSSE, visit their website at

For questions about the project, contact Institutional Research and Planning at (340) 693-1012 or if you are interested in viewing past NSSE reports, please visit our website at Surveys & Reports.