All certified applicators, especially those interested in having their applicator license renewed before expiration are encouraged to attend a pesticide recertification workshop.
Federal law requires any person who applies or supervises the use of restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to be recertified before a license expires by attending a refresher training or taking an exam to remind applicators of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) laws and regulations, applying RUPs properly and effectively, comprehending labels, and practicing safe pesticide use.
Registration is requested for training and the use of a calculator is a requirement.
Training will be held on the University’s St. Thomas Campus in the UVICELL Training Room located near the old faculty east dorm from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. The topics discussed will be Structural pests and 12 Ornamental and Turf pests.
For additional information and to register, please contact the Cooperative Extension Service Pest Management Specialist, Dr. Amy J. Dreves at (340) 692-4052 or email