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UVI President for a Day Role Reversal Recap Set for Nov. 30

UVI student Dwane Hendrickson and UVI President David Hall swapped roles on Wednesday, Nov. 16, as part of the President for a Day Initiative. Hendrickson swapped classes and a graphing calculator for meetings and a briefcase, while Dr. Hall gave up executive meetings and his executive team for accounting classes, including Business Calculus, and multiple student organization activities.  

Dr. Hall and Hendrickson will share their role-reversal experiences with the UVI community from 11 a.m. to noon on Wednesday, Nov. 30, in North West Wing (NWW) 102 and 103 on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix. The event will be video conferenced to the Teacher Education Building, room T213, on the St. Thomas Campus.

 Video highlights of their role-reversal experiences will be shared with the UVI community.

This President for  a Day initiative is designed to offer students a unique professional development experience and insight into the realities of running a University, and to give the institution’s top administrator better understanding of the student experience. For more information contact Raul Carrillo at (340) 693-1043.