Dr. John Rudley, president emeritus and immediate past president of Texas Southern University, will be the inaugural speaker in the Honors Program Lecture Series at the University of the Virgin Islands. As past president of one of the two largest HBCUs in the world, Dr. Rudley will present a forward-looking career discussion to honors students, UVI community, and greater Virgin Islands community about leadership, its challenges, and its rewards.
In addition to his legacy as leader of Texas Southern University, Dr. John Rudley has distinguished himself as a leader in higher education with his work as interim chancellor, University of Houston System; interim president, University of Houston; vice chancellor for Administration and Finance, University of Houston System; and vice president for Administration and Finance, University of Houston. Dr. Rudley served as vice chancellor for Business and Finance, Tennessee Board of Regents. He also worked as senior technical advisor with the U.S. Department of Education.
The lecture will be held at noon on Friday, Oct. 28, in the Administration and Conference Center first-floor conference room on the St. Thomas Campus and video-conferenced to the Evans Center Room 401 auditorium on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix.
For additional information contact Honors Program Director, Dr. Emily Allen Williams, dean of College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at emily.allenwilliams@uvi.edu or at (340) 692-4110.