Parking regulations on UVI’s St. Thomas Campus will be suspended from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accommodate parking for the UVI 2016 Commencement Exercises at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 12, in the following parking areas:
- Sports and Fitness Center
- Classroom Administration Building (CA Building)
- Humanities Building
- Wellness Center
- Administration and Conference Center (ACC Building)
- Reichhold Center for the Arts
The parking rules will remain in effect at all other locations on the St. Thomas Campus.
To all graduates: Parking permits are to be submitted prior to graduation in order to avoid a hold on your account as well as on your certificate. An officer will be available on tickets distribution day to assist. You may also visit the Campus Police/Security office, located at Pehna House at any time of the day.
Shuttle service will be provided to accommodate persons parking at Reichhold Center, Administration and Conference Center (ACC), and the upper campus. For more information contact UVI Security Department at (340) 693-1530 or