The VI Small Business Development Center (VI SBDC) is hosting the Small Business Showcase from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 4, in the UVI Sports and Fitness Center on the St. Thomas Campus and on Friday, June 5, in the Great Hall on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix.
The Business Showcase provides an opportunity for businesses to display their products and services in the same local at VI SBDC Small Business Awards Ceremony, which is the highlight of VI Small Business Week.
Interested business are asked to sign up now during a two for one special. Businesses can register and pay for a showcase space on one island and participate in both showcases.
Please sign-up online and complete the application for the business showcase. Please use this link to register on St. Croix or this link to register on St. Thomas. Transportation is not included in the showcase registration fee.
A variety of workshops and activities are available during Virgin Islands Small Business Week. Register to attend the various Small Business Week activities at:
For more information contact Karen Jones on St. Croix at (340) 692-5270 or email at For more information contact Mary Joe Williams on St. Thomas at (340) 776-3206 or email at