Applications for the Math Behind the Science (MBS) Summer Bridge Program are now being accepted. MBS is a college preparation program for students interested in pursuing STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) majors and careers. Eligible persons include 12 graders who will graduate in June and plan to enroll in college in the fall, or current UVI freshmen who have successfully completed MAT 024. Please note that priority is given to those enrolling at UVI. MBS is an intensive, six-week residential program, with students living in UVI residence halls on St. Thomas. Travel will be provided for students from St. Croix and St. John. The dates are June 22 to July 31. The program is free, with all costs for tuition, housing, meals, instructor/staff salaries, books and supplies covered by a grant from the National Science Foundation and other donors.
Completed applications and all support materials including transcripts and letters of recommendation should be submitted by May 15. To apply, go to the following link: The preferred method of submitting the application is through the online form. A PDF version of the application is also available to download. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Aimee Sanchez, MBS coordinator, at (340) 693-1249 or by e-mail at