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Presentation on the Legalities of Marijuana in the Virgin Islands Set for Nov. 16

A presentation on “Marijuana it is now Decriminalized but is it Legal? The Legalities of Marijuana in the U.S. Virgin Islands” will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 16, in the Administration and Conference Center, first-floor conference room. Sen. Terrence “Positive” Nelson will discuss Act Number 7700, which decriminalized marijuana and the legal ramification it has for the Virgin Islands. The community is invited to attend. The presentation is expected to be an hour. This event is sponsored by the Counseling and Career Services Department and the UVI Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS Prevention Program. For more information, please contact Dahlia Stridiron at (340) 693-1136 or (340) 693-1122.