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Golden Key St. Thomas Chapter to hold New Member Recognition Ceremony on March 22

The Golden Key International Honour Society’s St. Thomas Chapter will host their annual “New Member Recognition Ceremony” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 22, in the Administration and Conference Center on the St. Thomas Campus. Golden Key inducts junior, senior and graduate students who have achieved grade point averages of 3.3 or better. This year the St. Thomas Chapter expects to induct 40 new members. The society will also induct two new honorary members – Allison “Allie” Petrus, owner of Subway and Petrus Plaza and Dian Greaux-Levons, executive assistant to the Governor's chief economic and fiscal policy advisor and former UVI Social Sciences administrative assistant. Lt. Gov. Osbert Potter will give the keynote address. For more information contact Dahlia Stridiron at