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SGA Schedules Fall Elections on St. Thomas Campus for Sept. 4

Fall 2014 Student Government Association (SGA) elections on UVI’s St. Thomas Campus are tentatively scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 4. The elections process begins on Aug. 21, and the deadline for submitting applications is Aug. 28. Students interested in applying for an SGA position can obtain applications at the Student Activities Office. All students who have paid their Student Government Association fee are automatically members of the SGA. The SGA’s governing body, which consists of the Executive and the Legislative Branch, must be elected by the student body. Positions available are president, vice president, treasurer, and freshman, sophomore, junior and senior senators.

Student involvement and participation in the governance of the University are provided through representation of the UVI Board of Trustees, membership on the UVI Senate, election/appointment to the SGA, and membership on UVI standing committees. The SGA/Student Activities Office located between Middle and North Resident Halls.