UVI Theatre will open its 2014-2015 season with the powerful and internationally-acclaimed musical “Angels in the Snow: The Berlin Wall Musical Drama,” written and directed by Dr. Doug Larche, professor and playwright-in-residence at the University. Angels in the Snow tells the passionate inter-generational story of three couples separated by the Berlin Wall, and the bloody crises they face as they try to reach each other and survive.
The production’s on-stage cast of 56 is composed primarily of UVI students, alumni, faculty and staff. The music was composed by Dr. Larche, his late son, Jason, and Susan Elliott. Performances are scheduled for Fridays through Sundays, on Nov. 14-16, and November 21-23. The show will be staged in the UVI Little Theatre, located in the CA Building on UVI’s St. Thomas Campus. Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday matinee performances are at 2 p.m.
Tickets may be purchased during office hours at the UVI Humanities Building, the UVI Bookstore, or at the door at the Little Theatre in the CA Building. They may also be reserved by calling (340) 693-1340. Seating is extremely limited. Call Dr. Larche at (340) 693-1346 or send email to dlarcheuk@yahoo.com for additional information.