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Students, Alumni, Faculty, Staff Invited to Join UVI Entry in Annual M.L. King March on Jan. 20

UVI students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends are invited to participate in the University’s entry in the Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. march scheduled for 9:30 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 20, 2014, on St. Croix. The UVI entry’s theme, based on a quote from President Andrew Jackson, is “One Man with Courage Makes a Majority.” Participants are encouraged to wear UVI t-shirts and bring drums, tambourines and flutes. The march is hosted by the Central Labor Council of the Virgin Islands. UVI’s entry is being organized by the Student Activities Office on the Albert A. Sheen Campus. To register, visit the Student Activities Office or contact Hedda Finch-Simpson at (340) 692-4228 or send email to