Dr. Elenoe “Crew” Smith, the daughter of Dr. Henry and Peggy Smith, will be touring public and private high schools in the territory this week as the next "celebrity scientist" hosted by the Virgin Islands Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (VI-EPSCoR). The goal of the Celebrity Scientist Program is to expand the number of Virgin Islands students entering into STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics – disciplines, by strengthening their interest, research skills and intellectual development.
Dr. Crew Smith, a post-doctoral research fellow with appointments at Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, is a graduate of Antilles School. She majored in molecular biology at Princeton University and earned a doctorate in cell biology from Yale University in 2012. VI-EPSCoR hopes that bringing such science celebrities to the territory will inspire and challenge local students to pursue careers in science and technology by exposing them to the awe and wonder of their fields of expertise, and the joy of the journey to their current status.
Along with the school visits, Dr. Smith is scheduled to appear on the Addie Ottley morning show on WSTA radio, AM-1340, at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 28. For more information contact VI-EPSCoR Assistant Director Nicolas Drayton at (340) 692-4003 or ndrayto@uvi.edu.