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UVICELL Introduces ‘There’s An App for That’ Course

To help Virgin Islanders sort through the world of apps for electronic devices such as cell phones and tablets, UVI’s Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (CELL) Center has developed a new course titled “There’s An App for That.” Course sessions will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Monday, June 23, and Wednesday, June 25, at the UVICELL Center on the St. Thomas Campus.

The course will guide students to effectively use apps in order to get the most out of their devices. Participants will learn how to find free or low-cost apps to help meet every day needs. It will also address increasing business productivity with apps that can serve as a point of sale (POS) system. For fees or more information, call the UVICELL Center at (340) 693-1100 or visit online at