Information For...


Bulletin Board for September 5, 2012

New & Updated Items...

President David Hall to Join Tonight's 'Face to Face' Program on WTJX-TV

UVI President David Hall will be a guest on today's edition (Wednesday, Sept. 5) of the Public Television "Face to Face" program with Addie Ottley at 8 p.m. on WTJX-TV on Channel 12. Dr. Hall is expected to update the community on the recently opened West Hall residence hall on UVI's St. Thomas campus. WTJX filmed video of the dorm, including the sweeping view from the building's rooftop on Tuesday, Sept. 4. Resident Assistant Krystie Webster, a junior elementary education student from Anguilla, provided WTJX cameraman Henrick Lockhart with a tour of student rooms and numerous common areas in the building which students occupied early this semester.

UVI Community Invited to Grand Opening of New West Hall on St. Thomas on Sept. 6

The UVI Board of Trustees and President David Hall invite members of the UVI community to celebrate the grand opening of the New Student Residence Hall (West Hall) on the St. Thomas campus at a ribbon cutting ceremony and reception at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 6. Tours of the new hall will be available from 2:30 p.m. The official invitation is available from this link - Your Invitation.

For more information, contact the Office of the President at (340) 693-1000.

First Annual Health & Wellness Days Set at UVI on St. Thomas and St. Croix

Sessions of the First Annual Health and Wellness Expo, sponsored by the Government of the Virgin Islands, are scheduled at UVI on St. Thomas and St. Croix on Sept. 6 and 7, respectively. The Expo, designed for any Virgin Islands government employees, will feature free biometric testing, diabetes and hypertension awareness information, aerobics, Zumba and yoga demonstrations, massages, reflexology, facials and more. The V.I. Culinary Team will offer breakfast and lunch cooking demonstrations. UVI Director of Employee Benefits Veda Richards encourages all UVI employees to take some time to attend the Expo. It will provide an opportunity for them to complete a Health Risk Assessment (HRA) which allows health insurance provider to identify health behavior patterns that are risky to your wellbeing.

The Health and Wellness Expos run from 10 a.m. through 4 p.m. The St. Thomas session is set for Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Sports and Fitness Center. The St. Croix Expo is scheduled for Sept. 7, in the Great Hall on the Albert A. Sheen Campus. For more information, view this V.I. Government Health and Wellness Expo flyer.

Public Invited to Join in the Creation of a Science and Technology Plan for the USVI

Members of the public are invited to contribute to the creation of the Territory's first Science and Technology Plan by participating in a series of public consultations beginning with a focus group sessions planned for Sept. 12, 13 and 14, on St. Croix, St. Thomas and St. John, respectively.

Developing a VI Science and Technology Plan is an early goal of the STEP UP Initiative, announced on Aug. 17, by Gov. John P. deJongh, Jr. The initiative's name - STEP UP - stands for Science, Technology, Education and Economic Progress. The Governor, who serves as chair of the VI Science and Technology Council, described the effort as an opportunity to take good science from the laboratories of the University of the Virgin Islands to the local and global marketplace. He said the VI Science and Technology Council was established to "act as a catalyst for leveraging resources in the U.S.V.I. in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and innovation for economic development."

Research and development initiatives are not confined to UVI and ideas for involvement of other public and private sector entities are encouraged.

Focus groups are scheduled for the following dates:

  • St Croix: UVI's Albert A. Sheen Campus - room to be announced
    Wednesday, Sept. 12 - 6 to 8 p.m. or Thursday, Sept. 13 - 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
  • St. Thomas: UVI Administration and Conference Center - room to be announced
    Thursday, Sept. 13 - 6 to 8:30 p.m. or Friday, Sept. 14 - 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.
  • St. John: St. Ursula's Meeting Hall
    Friday, Sept. 14 - 10 a.m. to noon

Please confirm attendance at session of choice no later than Sept. 10. Google "Engaging America's Talents" to see what other jurisdiction have accomplished with a strong science-technology plans to guide their EPSCoR research and development efforts. For details or to confirm attendance call Yasmin Mannan at (340) 513-9235 or Claudette Young Hinds at (340) 778-3275. Please speak clearly and slowly when leaving messages.

Drummer Dion Parson Is Artist-in-Residence at UVI

Grammy Award-winning, Virgin Islands native Dion Parson, leader of the world renowned 21st Century Band, has been selected as artist-in-residence in the Music Area of the University of the Virgin Islands.

Parson, a drummer who has recorded for major record labels including Columbia, Sony and Blue Note, will offer two, hour-long, private lessons per week. The private lessons are for registered UVI percussion students, members of the UVI Jazz Band, and students in the Brass and Percussion Pedagogy class for Music Education majors. As artist-in-residence, Parson will teach at UVI one week per month. Parson's UVI lessons began at the start of the Fall 2012 semester, the week of August 20. A news release and photo are available on the UVI homepage - - and from this direct link.

Institutional Advancement to Hold Staff Retreat Monday, Sept. 10

UVI's Institutional Advancement Component will conduct a day-long staff retreat on Monday, Sept. 10. Individuals in the following offices will be away from their desks: Development, Alumni Affairs, the Reichhold Center for the Arts and Public Relations. Calls and emails to the component will be monitored.

Water Resources Research Institute Issues Call for Project Proposals

The Virgin Islands Water Resources Research Institute (VI-WRRI) at the University of the Virgin Islands has issued a Call for Proposals for the 2013 - 2014 U.S. Geological Survey Water Institute Program. Proposals that address water resources issues in the U.S. Virgin Islands are being sought. Funds for this program are made available through the Section 104 Institute Program of the U.S. Department of Interior - U.S. Geological Survey. All faculty and staff of the University of the Virgin Islands are eligible to apply for these funds through the VI-WRRI. Collaborations with non-UVI personnel are allowed.

There will be approximately $80,000 available to fund projects in the U. S. Virgin Islands. Individual projects should not exceed this amount. Projects in the $15,000 to $20,000 range are preferred. Projects will last one year, a starting date of March 1, 2013, and an ending date of Feb. 28, 2014. Proposals are due by Friday, Nov. 16, 2012.

The local VI-WRRI Advisory Committee will review proposals and recommendations for funding will be made to the Director of the VI-WRRI. Criteria used in the evaluation process will include

  • Technical merit
  • Feasibility of completion
  • Competence of the principal investigator
  • Training and education opportunities provided
  • Plans for the dissemination of knowledge gained
  • Local relevance

Interested persons should contact the VI-WRRI for instructions for preparing the proposal at (340) 693-1628 or send email to

Student Competition Promotes Role Swap with UVI President

Ever wondered what it would be like to be President of the University of the Virgin Islands? If you had a chance, what would you say or do to make a difference in the lives of UVI students, faculty and staff? UVI's President for a Day Competition will give two UVI students, (one on St. Thomas and one on St. Croix), an opportunity to trade places with UVI President Dr. David Hall. It's the first time that the President For a Day Competition will take place at UVI.

During the Fall 2012 semester, President Hall will swap roles with one UVI undergraduate student on St. Thomas. He'll swap roles with one undergraduate student on the Albert A. Sheen campus on St. Croix during the Spring 2013 semester. Details on how to apply are available in a news release on the UVI homepage - - and from this direct link.

UVI Today... Photo Blog Updates...

To view the latest entries to the "UVI Today..." photo blog, click on the Blogger button in the social media links at the top, right of any page in the UVI website or use this direct link:

UVI Soccer Coach Sees Chance to Reach LAI Playoffs This Season

Interest in UVI's soccer team has spiked following the squad's positive showing in last year's Liga Atletica Interuniversitaria (LAI) play. The Bucs posted a 2-2-3 record in their inaugural season. So far this year the squad is looking at 10 potential players from the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix and another 16 from the St. Thomas campus, according to Coach Yohannes Worede. "I expect this year we have a chance to get into the playoffs," Worede said in a break from the St. Thomas tryouts on Tuesday, Aug. 28. To read more and see photos from the recent St. Thomas campus tryout, click this Soccer Coach Eyes Playoffs link.

Reichhold Center Unveils 2012-2013 Season

With best-selling entertainers from Europe, Africa, South America, Latin America, the United States and Caribbean, UVI's Reichhold Center for the Arts' 34th season, unveiled on Thursday, Aug. 31, during a Business After Hours function, promises to be one of the center's most diverse yet. Between October and May, the Center will present a top-selling R&B vocalist, England's hottest all-female quartet, a famous Latin percussionist, an Argentine cabaret and an African-style circus show. . To see a photo collage of the season's performers, click this RCA 2012-2013 Season link. A news release is also available on the UVI homepage - - and from this direct link.

WTJX Films New West Hall Residence Hall on St. Thomas Campus

UVI Resident Assistant Krystie Webster, a junior elementary education student from Anguilla, provided WTJX cameraman Henrick Lockhart with a tour of student rooms and numerous common areas in the new West Hall residence hall on UVI's St. Thomas campus on Sept. 4. WTJX will feature some of the video during tonight's (Sept. 5) "Face to Face" program on Channel 12 at 8 p.m. To see a photo from the tour, click this West Hall Tour link.

Do you know this week's "We Are UVI" contributor?

To find out who it is, visit "We Are UVI" at:

"We Are UVI" is the our Golden Jubilee blog. It features people sharing CVI/UVI stories from the past 50 years. A new submission is added each week. This submission was posted Sunday, Sept. 2. It joins stories from Sinclair Wilkinson ('72), Rafe Boulon, Jr. ('76), Carmie Thompson ('10), Frank Mills ('67), James Rakocy, Arah Lockhart ('78), Utha Williams ('82), former UVI President LaVerne Ragster, Marthious Clavier ('02,'08), John Lucas, Maxine Nunez, Rosary Harper, Yegin Habtes, Gloria Callwood, Laurent Javois ('76), Helen Dookhan ('79, '84, '98), Curtis Gilpin ('80), Carolyn O'Neal-Morton ('85), Ali McClean ('93), Constance Gumbs ('87, '91), Malcolm Kirwan ('67), Sharleen Fahie ('86, '93), Sam Hall Jr., Richard Lippke, Randy Brown, Paul Flemming ('95, '98, '99), Kishma Allen ('09), Lawrence Lewis ('73), Aimery Caron, Quilin Mars ('08), Alvincent Hutson ('76), Vincent Cooper ('72), Dennis Parker, UVI President Emeritus Orville Kean and Richard Schrader.

Other Current Items...

Free GYN Clinic Planned for St. Thomas Campus on Sept. 6

The Health Services Office on UVI's St. Thomas campus will conduct a free GYN clinic from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Sept. 6, at the Health Services Center. Pap smears, birth control pills, STD tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea and pregnancy tests will be available. To make an appointment, or for more information, call the office at (340) 693-1124.

UVI Staff Council Seeking Nominations for Group II Officers and UVI Senate

The UVI Staff Council (UVISC) is seeking nominations for Group II officers and for UVISC representatives on the UVI Senate. Regular, professional and administrative staff members are asked to return their ballots to Staff Council Chair Raquel Silver at or to Nominations/Elections Chair Dale Morton at by Friday, Sept. 7.

Nominations are open for the positions of Vice Chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Regular Staff Representative-STT, Administrative Staff Representative-STT, Chair-Human Resources Committee and Chair-Membership Committee. There are also four UVI Senate positions - two STT and two STX - open for nomination.

For more information contact Raquel Silver at

SGA-St. Croix to Host Freshman and Special Election on September 12

The Student Government Association's Elections Committee on the Albert A. Sheen Campus on St. Croix will host freshman and special elections from 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 12, in the 100 level of the Evans Center. The committee seeks students for various leadership roles, including freshman, sophomore and senior senators.

Applications and election petitions are available in the Office of Student Activities. The application deadline is September 5, 2012 at 4:30 p.m. For additional information please contact Kevin Dixon SGA President at

UVI Postpones Final 2012 Phonathon to Sept. 17-20; Volunteers Sought

Volunteers are needed for UVI's final Phonathon of 2012, which is now scheduled from Sept. 17 through 20, on St. Thomas. The postponement is due to inclement weather conditions. Volunteers will work from 5:30 to 9 p.m. each evening in the first-floor conference room of UVI's Administration and Conference Center. They will make calls and process on-line pledges from Reichhold Center for the Arts patrons as well as traditional and special alumni. Prizes will be awarded to top performers and dinner will be served. Persons interested in volunteering one or more evenings should call the Office of Institutional Advancement at (340) 693-1047.

Employees, Others Urged to Review UVI Online Job Postings

UVI employees and external interested individuals are encouraged to review the University's online job postings for updates on available vacancies from the Human Resources Office section of the University website - - or from this direct link: UVI is committed to attracting, developing and retaining a highly qualified workforce to support our mission of excellence in education and research. The University of the Virgin Islands is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

Phase I of V.I. Community Survey Underway; Phase II to Begin in September

The Eastern Caribbean Center of the University of the Virgin Islands is conducting its annual Virgin Islands Community Survey (VICS) among a sample of households in the territory. Now in Phase I - mapping - UVI employees are on St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John mapping residential areas. During the first phase of this project, UVI employees will travel to selected areas to map housing units using GPS devices. Phase II - interviewing - will begin in late September and end in December. During the second phase, UVI employees will administer a housing and population survey to sample households. All mappers and interviewers will have official UVI identification cards.

The goal of the VICS is to provide a clearer understanding of the changing population and housing statistics in the US Virgin Islands. A news release is available on the UVI homepage - - and from this direct link.

Call for Abstracts Issued for Fall 2012 ECS Student Research Symposium; Register by Sept. 10

UVI's College of Science and Mathematics and the Emerging Caribbean Scientists (ECS) program invites undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the Annual UVI Fall Student Research Symposium. Students must register and submit their abstract at by, Monday, Sept. 10, in order to participate.

The symposium is part of an overall effort to increase research training and promote excellence among UVI students. It provides an opportunity for students to display the results of their work from their summer research experiences and for the public to interact with them. Student presentations are evaluated by a panel of judges from the community for their scientific content and their clarity of presentation.

The Fall Research Symposium will be held on Sunday, Sept. 23, on the St. Thomas campus in the first-floor conference room of UVI's Administration and Conference Center. Students will set up beginning at 11 a.m. and the symposium will be open to the public from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Airfare may be provided for St. Croix students who have registered and submitted an abstract by Sept. 10. The registration fee is $100. Waivers are available. Each registered participant will receive a name badge, lunch, abstract booklet and presentation feedback. Participants may be eligible for travel awards. For details, contact Aimee Sanchez at (340) 693-1249, Registration is available from the ECS website -

St. Thomas Campus SGA Sets Election for Sept. 12

UVI's St. Thomas Campus Student Government Association Elections Committee has approved a new schedule for the Fall elections. The deadline to submit applications is Aug. 31. Elections will be held on Sept. 12.

Applications are available from the Student Affairs Office. All candidates who are considering running for office must submit a certification letter from the Registrar's office to verify eligibility, along with their application and petition. Candidates who previously applied to run for office may submit a new application or just submit the certification letter. For more information send e-mail to or

VIUCEDD to Offer American Sign Language Classes in September

Virgin Islands University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (VIUCEDD) will be offering (ASL) American Sign Language Classes - Level I and Level II - on St. Thomas and St. Croix beginning Sept. 10. For further information call Sandra Pierre-Louis on St. Croix at 692-4266 or Andrea Plunkett on St. Thomas at 693-1173.

CELL Notes...

PRAXIS Prep Course to be Offered at UVICELL on St. Thomas in September

Registration is now open for the PRAXIS preparation course offered by the University of the Virgin Islands - Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (UVICELL) Center in collaboration with the V.I. Department of Education.

The six-week course will be held 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays beginning Sept. 22. Classes will be held at the UVICELL Center on the St. Thomas campus.

The course is designed for secondary school teachers or elementary content area teachers (art, music, physical education, etc.) hired after the 1995-1996 school year who are required to take the PRAXIS exam. The prep course prepares teachers for the exam so that they can be designated as highly qualified in order to meet the mandates of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act. For more information or to register, call the UVICELL Center at (340) 693-1100 or visit

UVICELL Course Designed to Help Human Resources Professionals Achieve National Certification

Human Resource professionals who wish to obtain nationally recognized certification can now take advantage of a preparatory course being held by the University of the Virgin Islands - Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (UVICELL) Center. The Human Resource Certification program will be offered from 6 to 9 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning Sept. 10. Classes will be held at the UVICELL Center on the St. Thomas campus.

The course provides a solid foundation for meeting human resource challenges found in today's demanding work environment and prepares professionals to achieve Professional in Human Resources (PHR®) or Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR®) designation. The certification is awarded by the Human Resource Certification Institute and signifies that human resource professionals have achieved the industry certification that sets them apart as true professionals in their field. For more information on the certification program, call (340) 693-1100 or visit UVICELL on-line at

UVICELL Offers Course in Basics of Real Estate Industry

Individuals interested in learning more about the real estate industry are being urged to register for the real estate course offered by the University of the Virgin Islands - Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (UVICELL) Center.

The course - Real Estate Principles and Practices - will be offered from 6 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning Sept. 11, at the UVICELL Center on the St. Thomas campus. It is designed to expose individuals to the real estate industry and specifically prepares them for the real estate salesperson licensing examination. A variety of topics will be covered including real estate theory, mathematics, and USVI rules and regulations, including applicable sections of the VI Code. For more information on the course, call (340) 693-1100 or visit UVICELL on-line at

UVI-CELL to Offer Six-week Praxis II Preparation Course on St. Thomas

UVI's Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (CELL) Center will offer a six-week, classroom course designed to prepare teachers to take and pass the Praxis II exam. The course will be offered from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on six Saturdays - Sept. 22 and 29, and Oct. 6, 13, 20 and 27. The course will use clear explanations, numerous examples, and graphics and animation, to prepare teachers to take the Praxis II test. Sessions take place at the CELL Center on UVI's St. Thomas campus. The fee is $500. For more information and to sign-up for the course call UVI-CELL at (340) 693-1100.

October Course to Focus on Getting the Most of Your Smart Phone or Tablet

Smart phones and tablets - the latest technological advances - are designed to make lives easier, but the novice user can be overwhelmed. To unravel the mystery of these devices, the UVI Community Engagement and Lifelong Learning (CELL) Center will conduct a course to help novice users understand their devices and use their capabilities to the fullest.

Although titled Mastering Your iPhone/iPad, the course is open to individuals with any smart phone or tablet device. The three-week course will be held 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays beginning on Oct. 8. The cost is $150 for 15 hours of instruction. Students will learn to master basic features and functions, efficiently operate their devices, integrate apps into their daily lives, sync with other devices and other applications, and personalize their devices. Sessions will be held at the UVICELL Center on the St. Thomas campus. For more information on the workshop, call Debra Stevens (340) 693-1108 or visit

SBDC Notes...

VI SBDC Sets Workshops in September

The Virgin Islands Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is offering several workshops in September. The following is the list for sessions on St. Thomas and St. Croix. For more information, visit the VI SBDC website - - or use this direct link to SBDC Course Information and Registration. Registration is available at: Call the St. Thomas/St. John Service Center at (340) 776-3206 or the St. Croix Service Center at (340) 692-5270.

  • Proposal Preparation Workshop

Date/Time: St. Thomas on Thursday, Sept. 6 - 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Location: SBDC Training Facility in Nisky Center on St. Thomas.

Cost: Free for 7(j) eligible businesses. Local Contact: Mary Joe Williams,

Workshop Information: Phyllis Embree or Chris Strudthoff at (770) 423-9888 or send email to

Topics Include: Strategizing for a winning price; How RFP elements influence strategy; Developing the tech proposal; Past Performance; How the winner is selected; and The proposal review process.

  • Government Contract Negotiations Workshop

Date/Time: Friday, Sept. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the SBDC, Training Facility in the Sion Farm Shopping Center in Christiansted on St. Croix. Local Contact: Carmen Acevedo Adams,

Cost: Free for 7(j) eligible businesses.

Workshop Information: Phyllis Embree or Chris Strudthoff at (770) 423-9888 or send email to

Topics Include: How and when to negotiate during government contracting; Cost considerations when negotiating price; Tips and techniques for successful negotiations; and Negotiations with government vs commercial negotiations.