Select below to move to period of interest.
2009 - October 2009
2010 - March 2010 | June 2010 | October 2010
2011 - February 2011 | March 2011 | June 2011 | October 2011
2012 - February 2012 | March 2012 | June 2012 | October 2012
2013 - March 2013 | June 2013 | October/November 2013 | December 2013
2014 - January 2014 | March 2014 | April 2014 | June 2014 | September 2014 | October 2014 | November 2014
2015 - February 2015 | May 2015 | June 2015 | October 2015
2016 - March 2016 | June 2016 | October 2016
2017 - January 2017 | March 2017 | June 2017 | October 20172018 - March 2018 | June 2018 | October 2018
2019 - March 2019 | June 2019 | October 2019
2020 - March 2020| June 2020 | October 2020
2021 - March 2021 |June 2021 |October 2021
2022 -March 2022 | June 2022 | October 2022
2023 - March 2023 | June 2023 | October 2023
2024 - March 2024 } June 2024 | October 2024
1. RESOLUTION: Approval of UVI Senate By Laws
UVI Senate Bylaws
2. RESOLUTION: To Suspend Work on the Development of the Hotel Project
3. ACTION: Approval of Nominating Process for Election of Chair and Vice Chair of the Board (no resolution)
4. ACTION: Ratification of an Amendment to the budget for the renovation and upgrading of the President's Residence & Guest House, which was recommended by the Finance and Budget Committee
5. ACTION: Approval of the Date of the Inauguration of Dr. David Hall (no resolution)
6. ACTION: Approval of a change in language to the 2.E.1 Description of Measure/Accomplishment in VISION 2012 (no resolution)
7. ACTION: Approval of the VISION 2012 Close-Out Report for 2007-2008 (no resolution)
8. ACTION: Approval of Posting on the University's Website, policies and actions taken at the Board Meeting (no resolution)
9. RESOLUTION: Approval of Tenure for the following candidates previously listed as tenure-in-waiting:I. Janzie Allmacher
II. Aletha Baumann
III. Marc Boumedine
IV. Gary Cox
V. Rosalie Dance
VI. Violeta Donovan
VII. David Gould
VIII. Stanley Latesky
IX. Robert Nicholls
X. Michelle Peterson
XI. Stephen Ratchford
XII. Sandra Romano
XIII. Alice Stanford10. ACTION: Approval of Special Tenure for the following candidates:
I. Dr. Douglas Larche
II. Dr. Joseph Gaskin.11. ACTION: Approval of Presidential Goals 2009-2010
12. ACTION: Approval of Board Goals 2009-2010
13. ACTION: Approval of Sabbatical Plan of Dr. LaVerne E. Ragster
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MARCH 2010
1. RESOLUTION: Approval of Name Change of Academic Divisions
a. The Division of Business will be renamed the School of Business;
b. The Division of Education will be renamed the School of Education;
c. The Division of Humanities and Social Science will be renamed the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences;
d. The Division of Science and Mathematics will be renamed the College of Science and Mathematics; and
e. The Division of Nursing will be renamed the School of Nursing.2. RESOLUTION: Approval of Masters of Arts in Psychology
3. RESOLUTION: Lifting of Moratorium on Restructuring at the University4. POLICY: Approval of Policy on Conferring Emeritus Status for Trustees (Amendment June 2014)
5. ACTION: Approval of Fundraising Goal for Fiscal Year 2010
6. RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions below taken by the Executive Committee since the last meeting of the UVI Board of Trustees which was held on October 31, 2009
Authorizing the University to install temporary toilet facilities at Brewer’s Bay Beach
Authorizing the President of the University to renegotiate the refinancing of the tax exempt bonds issued by the University in 1999 in order to achieve savings to finance the construction of a residence hall on the St. Thomas Campus
Authorizing the President to retain an architect to develop plans for the construction of the residence hall on St. Thomas Campus
Approving the increase in the transfer of funds from Quasi-Endowment Fund in FY 2009-2010
Amending the Operating Budget for FY 2009-2010 to increase expenditures for Institutional Support
Addressing the shortfall of funds for the construction and equipping of the Wellness Center
Approving the FY2010- 2011 Operating Budget
Approving the Appropriation Request for FY2010-2011
Approving the construction of a Walkway between the President’s residence and Guest House.
7. ACTION: Approval of VISION 2012 Closeout Report for 2008/2009
8. ACTION: Approval of VISION 2012 2009-2012 Measures of Accomplishments
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JUNE 20101. ACTION: Approval of Revisions to the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI) Bylaws
2. ACTON: Approval of slate of nominees to the FUVI Board of Directors to fill vacancies
3. RESOLUTION: to Approve the Awarding of Honorary Degrees
4. RESOLUTION: Approval of the University of the Virgin Islands' Audit Committee Charter
5. ACTION: Approval of UVI Board of Trustees Manual
6. ACTION: Ratification of Melvin Evans Center Electrical Rewiring and Upgrade Project
7. RESOLUTION: Approving the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget Revision Number One for the University of the Virgin Islands re: Master of Psychology degree program
8. RESOLUTION: To approve UVI Tuition Remission Policy and Tuition Exchange Program
9. ACTION: Approval of Tenure for the following candidates:
i. Erik Heikkila
ii. Dr. Lonnie Hudspeth
iii. Dr. Adam Parr
iv. Dr. Lomarsh Roopnarine
v. Dr. Hosanna Solomon_________________________________________________________ top
1. RESOLUTION: To approve a Bachelor of Business Administration program in Hotel and Tourism Management2. RESOLUTION: To grant Board Chair Emeritus status to Dr. Auguste E. Rimpel, Jr.
3. RESOLUTION: To grant Trustee Emeritus status to Dr. Bernard H. Paiewonsky
4. RESOLUTION: To grant Trustee Emeritus status to Mr. Roy D. Jackson, CPA
5. ACTION: To amend the previously established 2011 alumni giving rate goal of 8.5% to 3% above the final alumni giving rate figure secured in 2010 and also to increase the total fundraising goal to $1.5M for fiscal year 2011.
6. RESOLUTION: To ratify the actions taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees since the last meeting of the Board
Based on the recommendation of the Finance and Budget Committee, the Committee rescinded the Board’s direction to the President to meet with the Governor to request the reconsideration of the Office of Management and Budget’s decision to reduce the University’s FY2010-2011 Appropriation Request.
The Committee approved the Proposed Guiding Principles to be followed by the University in reducing its FY2010-2011 operating budget to accommodate a reduction in the appropriation-request for the University.
The Committee approved the proposed Facility Needs Assessment Plan.
The Committee approved a budget, including a schedule of fees, for the operation of the Wellness Center in FY2010-2011. One was not included in the operating budget for the University approved earlier this year.
The Committee approved a resolution authorizing the amendment of the Indenture of Trust dated June 1, 1999 under which the Series 1999A Bonds were issued and authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Refunding Bonds of the University of the Virgin Islands.
7. RESOLUTION: To approve Tuition Rate Increase effective Fall 2011
8. RESOLUTION: To approve Increases to Room and Board Rates effective Fall 2011
9. RESOLUTION: To approve establishment of a Deferred Tuition Payment Plan Reinstatement Fee effective Fall 2011
10. ACTION: Amendments to VISION 2012 Closeout Report for 2009-2010
11. RESOLUTION: To Waive the University's Naming Policy to allow the naming of the Science Building to be constructed in the future as the William Sussman Science Building
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February 2011
1. RESOLUTION: Resolution of the Board of Trustees of the University of the Virgin Islands to Amend the Ground Lease with the UVI Research and Technology Park Corporation and Execute a Sublease Agreement
2. RESOLUTION: To approve the Environmental Sustainability Policy_________________________________________________________ top
March 2011
1. POLICY: Approval of an Internal Audit Charter
2. POLICY: Approval of Fraud Policy
3. RESOLUTION: Ratification of actions taken by the Executive Committee:
a. A resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget for the University of the Virgin Islands, Revision Number Two
b. A resolution authorizing the University to submit an appropriation request for Fiscal Year 2012 of $33,192,631 for operating expenses, debt service and mandated programs, the deadline for the University's submission of which appropriation request was March 4, 2011.
c. Approved the Guiding Principles proposed by the President to be followed by the University in reducing its operating budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012_________________________________________________________ top
June 2011
1. RESOLUTION: To approve a rate reduction for eligible graduates of Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College to attend the University of the Virgin Islands under the terms of a Memorandum of Agreement.
a. Memorandum of Agreement
2. RESOLUTION: To establish academic minors at the University of the Virgin Islands.
3. RESOLUTION: Resolution approving amendments to the Bylaws of the Foundation of the University of the Virgin Islands and changing one of the Permanent Directors on the Board of Directors of the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands
4. RESOLUTION: Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Loan
5. RESOLUTION: Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Operating Budget, Revision Number Three, for the University of the Virgin Islands
6. RESOLUTION: To Approve an Updated Sexual Harassment Policy for the University of the Virgin Islands (Update June 2015, October 2020)
a. Sexual Harassment Policy_________________________________________________________ top
October 2011
1. ACTION: Bylaw Amendment to correct an inconsistency between the caption on Article VI, Section 7(b) and the text of that provision.
2. ACTION: Trustees unanimously re-elected Trustees Alexander A. Moorhead and Dr. Yvonne E. L. Thraen to the UVI Board for 5 year terms.
3. RESOLUTION: Approving the Fundraising and Alumni Giving Rate Goals for Fiscal Year 2012
4. RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions taken by the Executive Committee of the Board on Behalf of the Board of Trustees.
a. Approval of Revised Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Operating Budget
b. Criteria for New Hires
5. RESOLUTION: To Select Mr. Edward E. Thomas from among its members to serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the University of the Virgin Islands Research and Technology Park Corporation
6. RESOLUTION: Approval of Presidential Goals 2011-2012
7. RESOLUTION: Approval of Board Goals 2011-2012
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February 16, 2012 - Special Meeting of the Board
1. RESOLUTION: Approval of Room Rates for the New Student Residence Hall on the St. Thomas campus effective Fall 2012
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March 2012
1. RESOLUTION: Resolution authorizing the University to submit an appropriation-request of $28,104,581 for Fiscal Year 2012-2013 to the Office of Management and Budget of the Government of the Virgin Islands by March 2nd.
2. RESOLUTION: Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Operating Budget, Revision Number One for the University of the Virgin Islands
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June 2012
1. RESOLUTION: Amendment to the Rules Governing Appeals to Board
2. RESOLUTION: Approval of Student Code of Conduct
a. Student Code of Conduct
3. RESOLUTION: Board Assessment Tool
a. Board Assessment Tool
4. RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions Taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees which was held on March 10, 2012.
a. Approval of Solar Power proposal
b. Approval of issuance of tablet computers to trustees
c. Approval of Periodic Review Report5. RESOLUTION: University of St. Martin Tuition Rate
6. RESOLUTION: Fiscal Year 2013 Operating Budget
7. RESOLUTION: Financial Policies
a. Financial Policies Manual
8. RESOLUTION: Strategic Plan 2017 - Pathways to Greatness
a. Strategic Plan 2017
9. ACTION: Approval of Kiril Sokoloff as a member to Foundation of the University of the Virgin Islands Board of Directors
10. ACTION: Approval of Tenure for the following candidates:
a. Dr. Donna Nemeth
b. Dr. Paul Jobsis
11. RESOLUTION: Structural reorganization regarding the Campus Executive Administrator position + New Structure Organization Chart12. ACTION: Approval of Board Goals 2012-2013
_________________________________________________________ top
October 2012
1. RESOLUTION: Bachelor of Science in Psychology
2. RESOLUTION: Goal for Fiscal Year 2013
3. RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions taken by the Executive Committee
� Approval of an Amendment to the Board Goals 2012-2013
4. RESOLUTION: To Commend UVI President for his Job Performance
5. RESOLUTION: To grant President Emeritus Status to Dr. La Verne E. Ragster
6. RESOLUTION: Accounts Receivable Write-Off Policy
7. RESOLUTION: Transfer of Endowed Scholarships
8. RESOLUTION: Investment Policy
9. RESOLUTION: Tuition Increase Fall 2013
10. RESOLUTION: Nevis Island Administration Memorandum of Understanding_________________________________________________________ top
March 2013
RESOLUTION: Policy for Retention, Archival and Disposal of documents for the Office of the Board of Trustees
RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions Taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees which was on October 27, 2012RESOLUTION:Fiscal Year 2013- 2014 Appropriations Request
- Authorization of a loan to the Research and Technology Park Corporation
- Approval of updated Human Resources Manual
- Action taken regarding the execution of an agreement for the Solar Energy Project
RESOLUTION: Memorandum of Understanding between FUVI and UVI
RESOLUTION: Amended Articles of Incorporation of the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI)
_________________________________________________________ top
June 2013
RESOLUTION: Bachelor of Business Administration: Information Systems and Technology
RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions Taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees which was on March 9, 2013ACTION: Parking Policy & Traffic Regulations
- Easements for Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (viNGN)
RESOLUTION: Fiscal Year 2014 Operating Budget
RESOLUTION: Proposal to Transfer Quasi-Endowment and Certain Restricted Accounts to FUVI for Investment Purposes
RESOLUTION: TIAA-CREF Proposed Changes and Expansions
RESOLUTION: Acceptable Use PolicyRESOLUTION: Renovations for Reichhold Center Funding
RESOLUTION: Memorandum of Understanding between UVI and St. Kitts and Nevis re undergraduate and graduate tuition rates for fall 2013
RESOLUTION: Institutional Peers and Aspiration Peers
ACTION: Approval of Board Goals 2013-1014
ACTION: Approval of Tenure for the following candidates
- Dr. Kimarie Engerman
- Dr. Karen Cooper
RESOLUTION: Approval of Gift Acceptance Policy
_________________________________________________________ top
October/November 2013
RESOLUTION: Renaming of the Committee on Trustees to the Governance Committee
RESOLUTION: Goal for Fiscal Year 2014 and Alumni Giving 2014
ACTION TAKEN: Small Business Development Center Grant Fiscal Year 2014
RESOLUTION: Tuition Rate Maintenance
ACTION TAKEN: Presentation of Key Performance Indicators
_________________________________________________________ top
December 2013
RESOLUTION: The Board of Trustees considered two resolutions;
Resolution to ratify and affirm actions taken in Executive Session on October 26, 2013 and
Resolution to ratify and affirm actions taken in Executive Session on November 11, 2013.
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January 2014
ACTION: The Chair reported that the Board considered a revised employment agreement and voted to approve it.
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March 2014
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Administration to submit the FY 2015 appropriation-request for operating expenses, debt service and mandated programs.
ACTION: The Board agreed to have a Special Meeting of the Board to be held on Saturday, April 19, 2014 regarding the proposal for the establishment of a medical school.
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April 2014
ACTION: The board unanimously authorized the President to commence the development process for a medical school at the University of the Virgin Islands.
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June 2014
RESOLUTION: Ratification of action taken by the Executive Committee on behalf of the Board of Trustees since the last meeting of the Board of Trustees, which was April 19, 2014.RESOLUTION: Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget
- Awarding degree to student posthumously.
- Development of a policy to be recommended to the Board regarding the above matter.
ACTION: Career Advancement PolicyACTION: Approval of Board Goals 2015
ACTION: Approval of Tenure for the following candidates:
- Dr. Kula Francis
- Dr. Timothy Faley
ACTION: Amendment to Policy on Conferring Emeritus Status for Trustees
- Trustee Emeritus Policy
ACTION: Approval of UVI NEXT PROJECTACTION: Appointment of Patricia D. Steele, UVI Board of Trustees member, to the UVI Research and Technology Park Board of Directors
_________________________________________________________ top
September 2014
RESOLUTION: The Board approved the Creation of two Vice President positions and Providing Bonuses to Employees.
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution authorizing the President to commence with the development process to place the medical school simulation center on the Albert A. Sheen Campus and the medical school classroom building on the St. Thomas Campus.
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October 2014
RESOLUTION: To approve Fundraising Goal and Alumni Goal for Fiscal Year 2015
RESOLUTION: To approve Tuition increase effective Fall 2015
RESOLUTION: To approve the sale of Timeshare Properties
RESOLUTION: To approve the Public Phase for the Capital Campaign and Adjustment to the Campaign Goal
RESOLUTION: To ratify actions of the Executive Committee taken regarding
1. 2014-2015 Presidential Goals
_________________________________________________________ top
November 2014
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution approving materials and agreements to be submitted to the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME).
_________________________________________________________ top
February 2015
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Administration to submit the FY 2016 appropriation-request for operating expenses, debt service and mandated programs.
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the President of the University to commence with financing agreement with HBCU.
_________________________________________________________ top
May 2015
ACTION: Approved the selection of Mr. Dale LeFebvre to the Board of Directors for the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI)
ACTION: Authorized the President, pursuant to the requirements of the Chirinjeev Kathuria gift agreement, to execute a loan to create an endowment for the UVI School of Medicine
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June 2015
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution to rename the existing Sexual Harassment Policy and to update the policy. (Update June 2015, October 2020)
a. Updated Sexual Misconduct Policy
RESOLUTION: The Board approved a resolution authorizing the Administration to provide options to students regarding payment of tuition and fees applicable to courses and services for which students have chosen to enroll.
ACTION: The Board approved to extend the Strategic Plan 2017 to 2018.
ACTION: Approved tenure for the following candidates:
a. Dr. Glenn Metts
b. Dr. Rosalyn Rossignol
c. Dr. Nancy Morgan
ACTION: Approved Faculty Emeritus status for the following candidate:
a. Dr. Gilbert Sprauve
_________________________________________________________ top
October 2015
RESOLUTION: To approve a PhD degree and the PhD program in Creative Leadership for Innovation and change
RESOLUTION: To approve the Fundraising and Alumni Giving Rate Goals for Fiscal Year 2016
RESOLUTION: To approve the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Operating Budget for the University of the Virgin Islands.
RESOLUTION: To approve Tuition Overload Charge Policy Effective Fall 2016
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March 2016
RESOLUTION: To approve a Bachelor of Business Administration degree program in Accounting.
a. BBA – Accounting degree program
RESOLUTION: To approve a Master of Accounting degree program.
a. MACC – Accounting degree program
RESOLUTION: To approve a Bachelor of Business Administration degree program in Marketing.
a. BBA – Marketing degree program
RESOLUTION: To approve a Bachelor of Business Administration degree program in Management.
a. BBA – Management degree program
RESOLUTION: To approve an Executive Master of Business Administration degree program.
a. EMBA degree program
RESOLUTION: To approve the UVI Naming Policy.
a. UVI Naming PolicyRESOLUTION: To approve the Gift Acceptance Policy.
a. Gift Acceptance Policy
RESOLUTION: To approve the Campaign for UVI Case Statement.
a. UVI Case StatementRESOLUTION: To approve the Sub-Recipient Monitoring Policy.
Sub-Recipient Policy
10. RESOLUTION: To approve the contract for education-related services (CERS) between the Council of Community Colleges of Jamaica (CCCJ) and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI)
11. RESOLUTION: To approve an Increase in Tuition Rates Effective Fall 2016.
12. RESOLUTION: To approve the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Operating Budget Revision Number One for the University of the Virgin Islands.
13. ACTION: Amendment to UVI Bylaws; Revision to Article VI Section 1(h), Article IV Section 2(f)
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June 2016
RESOLUTION:To approve a Master of Arts degree program in Educational Leadership.
a. MA –Educational Leadership degree program
RESOLUTION:To approve a Master of Arts degree program in School Counseling and Guidance.
a. MA –School Counseling and Guidance degree programRESOLUTION: To ratify the actions taken by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of the Virgin Islands.
a. Approved resolution on the University’s FY2017 Appropriations Request of $34,371,750
RESOLUTION: To approve Policies, Procedures, Strategic Plan, and Bylaws of the University School of Medicine.
UVI School of Medicine Strategic Plan 2016
Bylaws for the Governance of the University of the Virgin Islands School of Medicine
Policy No. 001 Conflict of Interest Policy
Policy No. 002 Diversity Policy
Policy No. 003 Anti-Discrimination Policy
Policy No. 004 Faculty-Medical Learner Compact
Policy No. 005 Student Mistreatment Policy
Policy No. 006 Initial Faculty Appointment, Renewal, Promotion, Termination Policy
Policy No. 007 Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Policy
Policy No. 008 Pre-Clinical Duty Hours Policy
Policy No. 009 Clinical Duty Hours Policy
Policy No. 010 Electives Policy
Policy No. 012 Policies on Medical Student Supervision during Clinical Activities
Policy No. 013 Formative and Summative Feedback for Students Policy
Policy No. 014 Policy Regarding Standard for Promotion and Graduation of the UVISOM Medical
Education Program
Policy No. 015 Policy for Appeal Process Regarding Committee on Student Progress Action
Policy No. 016 Policy on Medical Student Selection
Policy No. 017 Policy on Medical Student Assessment
Policy No. 018 Technical Standards for Medical School Admission, Academic Progression, and Graduation
Policy No. 019 Student Records Policy
Policy No. 020 Tuition Refund Policy
Policy No. 021 Absence and Attendance Policy
Policy No. 022 Policy on Medical Treatment for UVISOM Students
Policy No. 023 Immunization Policies
Policy No. 024 Infectious/Environmental Hazard Policy
RESOLUTION: To approve the establishment of the University of the Virgin Islands at the University of St. Martin Foundation.
RESOLUTION: To approve amendments to the Human Resources Policy Manual (adopted by the Board March 9, 2013) re Filling Vacancies.
a. UVI Human Resources Policy Manual
RESOLUTION: To approve amendments to the Sexual Misconduct Policy (adopted by the Board June 6, 2015) as outlined in the resolution.(updated October 2020)
a. Sexual Misconduct Policy
RESOLUTION: To approve amendment to the Orientation Process for New Members of the UVI Board of Trustees (adopted by the Board June 4, 2004) to include a Board Mentorship Program.
a. New Trustee Orientation Process for New Members of the UVI Board of TrusteesACTION TAKEN: Amendment to University’s Policy on Public Access to Documents and Information (adopted by the Board March 17, 2007)
a. Amended Policy on Public Access to Documents and Information by the Executive Committee as authorized by the Board of Trustees (June 10, 2016)
ACTION TAKEN: Approval of Two Reports and Recommendations contained therein regarding the UVINEXT Initiative.
ACTION TAKEN: Faculty Grievance Procedure for Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA) (See October 2020)
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October 2016
1. RESOLUTION: To approve a Bachelor of Science degree program in Physics with a concentration in Astronomy.
BS – Physics Degree Program
2. RESOLUTION: To approve Fundraising and Alumni Giving Rate Goals for Fiscal Year 2017.
3. ACTION TAKEN: The Board unanimously re-elected Trustees Alexander A. Moorhead and Dr. Yvonne E. L. Thraen to Board of Trustees.
4. RESOLUTION: To ratify the actions taken by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of the Virgin Islands.
Presidential Goals 2017
_________________________________________________________ top
January 2017
RESOLUTION: Ratification of Actions taken by the Executive Committee
- Compensation Study
- FY2017 Proposed Operating Budget
Approval of UVI Self-StudyACTION TAKEN by Board in Executive Session - Justice Sonia Sotomayer
ACTION TAKEN by Board in Executive Session - Service Agreement with Level Playing Field re: Grantham University
_________________________________________________________ top
March 2017
ACTION TAKEN: The Board approved proposal for relocation of site for the Multipurpose Center on the Albert A. Sheen Campus
RESOLUTION: Amendment to the UVI BylawsACTION TAKEN: Approved Faculty Emeritus
ACTION TAKEN: Approved UVI-American Association of University Professors (AAUP) Grievance Policy
RESOLUTION: Ratified action of Executive Committee regarding approving FY2018 Appropriation Request to VI Government
ACTION TAKEN: Approved Institutional Risk List
_________________________________________________________ top
June 2017
1. ACTION: approval of tenure for a faculty member
2. ACTION: Approval of UVINEXT recommendations from Task Force
UVI Next Taskforce Recommendations
_________________________________________________________ top
October 2017
Resolution: Fundraising Goal for Year 2018
Resolution: Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget
Action: Approval of President Hall Performance on Agreed upon goals for 2016-2017
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December 2017
Resolution: Approval of Online Degrees and General Education Requirements
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March 2018
Resolution: Approval of Online Degree – Strategic Communications
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June 2018
Resolution: Bachelor of Science degree program in Maritime Management
Resolution: Change to the Minimum Number of Total Credits required for any Bachelor of Business Administration degree
Action: Authorize Request for Proposal (RFP) for the construction and/or installation and operation of two off-grid power generating/producing facilities, one on each campus.
Resolution: Fiscal Year Operating Budget Revision Number 1
Action: Investment Proposal for Quasi Endowment Fund
Resolution: Telecommuting Policy
_________________________________________________________ top
October 2018
Resolution: Memorandum of Understanding with VI Housing Finance Authority and UVI re: Multi-Purpose Center for the Albert A. Sheen Campus
Resolution: Fundraising Goal for Fiscal Year 2019
Resolution: Wellness Leave Pilot Program
Action: 2018-2023 Strategic Plan “Greatness Through Innovation”
_________________________________________________________ top
November 2018
Resolution: Fiscal Year 2019 Operating Budget (subject to Ratification by full Board ) See March 2019
_________________________________________________________ top
January 2019
Action: Free Tuition Policy and Procedures
_________________________________________________________ top
March 2019
Resolution: Ratification of Actions taken by the Executive Committee in Regulars Session
Approval of Compensation Plan
2* Resolution: Tuition Pricing for Selected Members of Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
Undergraduate and graduate tuition rates effective fall 2019 for additional entities of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (the OECS) (i.e., BVI, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, and Dominica) students under the terms of Individual Memorandum of Understanding.
Individual Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UVI and DSC, between UVI and ACC, and between UVI and HLSCC.
2. Resolution: Approval of Fiscal Year 2020 Appropriation
3. Resolution: Approval of Trustee Emeritus Status
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June 2019
Resolution: Master of Social Work Degree
Resolution: Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
Action: Implementation Plan for Agriculture Program
Action: Herman E. Moore Golf Course Putting Green Proposal
5a Resolution: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UVI and T.A. Marryshow Community College (TAMCC)
5b Resolution: Memorandu, of Understanding (MOU) with Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC)
6. Resolution: 2019 Institutional and Aspirational Peers
7. ACTION: Approved the selection of Kerry F. Sain to the Board of Directors for the Foundation for the University of the Virgin Islands (FUVI)
8. . Action: Approved Tenure – Dr. Paul Flemming
9. Action: Approved Special Tenure – Dr. Elizabeth Jaeger
10. Action: the Board elected Henry C. Smock as Chair and Oran C. Roebuck as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees
_________________________________________________________ top
1. Approval of Fundraising Gaol 2020
2.FY 2020 Operating Budget
3. Ratification of Actions of the Executive Committee: Presidential Goals
4. Approval of Westbay Purchase
MARCH 2020
1. fy2020 Appropriation Budget Resquest
JUNE 2020
1. Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinart Studies
2. Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studeies
3. School of Graduate Studies
4. School of Agriculture
5. Revision of Policy for Conferring Faculty Emeritus Status
6. FY2020 Operating Budget Revision Number One
7 Approved Trustee Emeritus Status- ALEXANDER A. MOORHEAD
8. Candidates for Faculty Emeritus
Dr. Dion Ernest Phillips
Dr. Velma V. Tyson
9. UVINEXT Report and Recommendations
10. 2020-2021 UVI Board of Trustees Goals
11. Plan of Action for the Reopening of School in Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 amidst COVID- 19
1. Goal for Fiscal Year 2020
2. Ratification of Actions taken by the Executive Committee
a. Amended Sexual Harrassment Policy
b. TIAA Observations of Investment Funds
c.FY2021 Operating Budget
3. Canidate for Special Tenure: Dr. Kendra Harris
Administrative changes to Plan for Reopening of the University for the Fall 202 Semester
Presidential Assessment and 2021 Presidential Goals
MARCH 2021
1. Appropriation Request to VI Government
2. Memorandum of Understanding:UVI and St. Vincent & Grenadines
JUNE 2021
1. Associate of Applied Science:
2. Associate of Applied Science:
3.Return of Organization Exempt -
Tax 990 Form
4.Online Degree Program Tuition Increase
5.HBCU Peer Review
6.Approval of Faculty Emeritus
Dr. Teresa Turner
Dr. Yegin Habtes
7. Approval of Tenure Postumously
Dr. Mohomodou Boncana
8. Approval of UVINEXT Reccommendations
9. Approval of Additional Risk Management items
1. Goal for Fiscal Year 2021
2. Approval of Trustee Emeritus - Dr. Yvonne E. L. Thraen
3. Aapproval of trustee elected by the board - John P. de Jongh, Jr.
4. Approval of naming of the Medical Simulation Center
5.Approval of naming of Business and Innovation Center
6. Approval of naming Administration and Conference Center building to honor Past Presidents
7. Approval of new Federal Holiday - June 19th - to be added to UVI Holiday Calendar
MARCH 2022
1. Approval of new FUVI Board member - Dr. George Rosenberg
2. Executive MBA Tuition Rate Increase
3. Associate in Applied Science in Agricultural Business
4. Associate of Applied Science in General Agriculture
5. Approval of Presidential Self Assessment and Goals
6. Approval of FY 2022 Opersting Budget revision Number One
7. Authorized Submission of FY2023 Appropriations request
8.Approved Modification of Free Tuition Board Policy
JUNE 2022
1.Elected Henry C. Smock as Boaard Chair and Oran C. Roebuck as Vice Chair
2. Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
3. Bachelor of Science in Aquaponics
4. Approved the academic major in Dance, Music Performance, and Theater
5. Approved modification of policy for admitting international studentswhose primary language is not English
6. Approved proposal for awarding posthuous degrees
7. Revised Vaccination Policy
8. Approval of Candidates for Tenure and Promotion
a. Dr. Karen Brown
b. Dr. Barbara Fleming
c. Dr. Sharon Honore
d. Dr. Nadia Monrose Mills
MARCH 2023
JUNE 2023
MARCH 2024
JUNE 2024
Updated 9/30/22