Select below to move to period of interest.

1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975

1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989



1. ACTION: Every Youngster Who Deserves to Go to CVI Ought to Be Able to Go

2. ACTION: Best Possible People Should be Sought

3. ACTION: Composition of Student Body

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1. ACTION: Establishment of the Board of Overseers

2. ACTION: Rescheduling of Academic Quarters

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1. ACTION: President is Official Medium of Communication

2. ACTION: TIAA Retirement Program

3. ACTION: Approval of College Master Plan

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1. ACTION: Land Grant College Status

2. ACTION: Board's Role in the Approval of Faculty Appointments

3. ACTION: Employment Policy of the Board of Trustees

4. ACTION: Pattern of Development for CVI

5. ACTION: Faculty Salary Schedule

6. ACTION: Reichhold Gift of $1,000,000 to build community cultural center

7. ACTION: Approval of College Architecture

8. ACTION: Physical Examination for Incoming Faculty

9. ACTION: College of the Virgin Islands and the College of the Virgin Islands Fund

10. ACTION: Writer-in-Residence Program

11. ACTION: History of the Virgin Islands

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1. ACTION: Consideration of Faculty Policy Manual, Staff Policy Manual and Student Handbook

2. ACTION: Teacher Education Program

3. ACTION: Acquisition of Land West of St. Thomas Campus

4. ACTION: Student-Faculty Ratio

5. ACTION: Travel and Entertainment Fund

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1. ACTION: Establishment of Four Year College Programs

2. ACTION: Adoption of Semester System

3. ACTION: Unfavorable Publicity Concerning College

4. ACTION: College to Become a Charter Member of a Proposed Association of Caribbean Universities

5. ACTION: Police Science and Administration Program

6. ACTION: Purchase of Tutu Homes

7. ACTION: Design of the Reichhold Cultural Center

8. ACTION: College's Participation in Title III Program

9. ACTION: Adoption of New Faculty Salary Schedule

10. ACTION: College's Program on St. Croix

11. ACTION: Providing Better Food for the Students

12. ACTION: Title III Program

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1. ACTION: Sea Lab III Program at Lameshur Bay

2. ACTION: Virgin Islands Extension Service and Youth Groups

3. ACTION: Establishment of Charter Day

4. ACTION: TIAA-CREF Resolution

5. ACTION: Moving Expenses for Newly Appointed Faculty Members

6. ACTION: Authorizing President to Enter Into Agreements

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1. ACTION: The Establishment of a Conference Group

2. ACTION: The Role of Research at the College and Its Relation to Other Aspects of the College's Program

3. ACTION: The Conference Group - Election of Officers

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1. ACTION: Approval of TIAA Major Medical Coverage

2. ACTION: Athletic Scholarships

3. ACTION: Etelman House

4. ACTION: Acquisition of Special Book Collection

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1. ACTION: Extension of Major Medical Insurance Benefits to Long-Term Professional and Paraprofessional Staff

2. ACTION: Adjustment in the Academic Calendar

3. ACTION: Conference Group - Increase membership

4. ACTION: Emeritus Status for Retiring Faculty

5. ACTION: Modification of TIAA-CRAF Retirement Policy

6. ACTION: The Board of Overseers

7. ACTION: Awarding Honorary Degrees

8. ACTION: Dual Residence of the President

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1. ACTION: Composition of the Student Body

2. ACTION: Faculty Retirement and Development

3. ACTION: The Territorial Scholarship Fund

4. ACTION: Reports from College Officers Regarding the Growth and development of Basic Programs

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1. ACTION: Rules and Regulations for the Maintenance of Public Order at the College of the Virgin Islands

2. ACTION: Adoption, Dissemination and Implementation of Policies, Rules and Regulations, Guidelines and Related Matters at the College of the Virgin Islands

3. ACTION: Channels of Communication Available to Students at the College of the Virgin Islands for the Consideration of Problems, Proposals and Grievances

4. ACTION: Student Disciplinary Procedures Statement

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1. ACTION: Revision update on Faculty Policy Manual

2. RESOLUTION: TIAA-CREF - Faculty Retirement Program Resolution

3. RESOLUTION: Bank Account Resolution

4. ACTION: Role of Nonresident Members of the Board of Trustees

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1. ACTION: The Committee System of the College

2. RESOLUTION: Imprest Petty Cash Account Resolution

3. RESOLUTION: Plant Funds Savings Account Resolution

4. ACTION: Faculty Representation on the Board of Trustees

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1. ACTON: Medical Insurance for Faculty Members

2. ACTON: Housing Allowance for Faculty Members

3. ACTON: Opening Up of Board of Trustees Meetings

4. ACTON: Faculty membership on Board of Trustees

5. ACTON: Extension of Group Medical Insurance to Staff members

6. RESOLUTION: TIAA-CREF Retirement Resolution re: Faculty

7. ACTON: Liability Insurance Coverage

8. ACTON: Honorary Degrees

9. ACTON: University Status

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1. ACTION: Act No. 3913: "The Sunshine Law"

2. ACTION: New Group Insurance Plan

3. ACTION: Investment Committee

4. ACTION: Faculty Evaluation

5. ACTION: Trustee Graduate Fellowship

6. ACTION: Inter-Campus Relationship

7. RESOLUTION: College's Computer System Resolution

8. RESOLUTION: Deferred Giving Program

9. ACTION: Increase in Tuition and Fees

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1. ACTION: Distinguished Achievement Medals

2. RESOLUTION: Legislative Resolution no. 923: To Study the Feasibility of Providing Legal Training at the College

3. ACTION: Legal Training at the College of the Virgin Islands

4. ACTION: Course Offering Covering Virgin Islands Literature and Literary Figures

5. ACTON: Alumni Affairs

6. RESOLUTION: Bank Signature Resolution

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1. ACTION: College Employment Policies

2. ACTION: Increase in Per Diem

3. ACTION: Rate Increase Group Insurance Plan

4. ACTION: Retirement Benefits Under TIAA/CREF Program

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1. RESOLUTION: Authorization for Access to Safe Deposit Box

2. ACTION: Graduation on the St. Croix Campus

3. RESOLUTION: Direct Application to the Legislature for Appropriations

4. RESOLUTION: Regarding Sale of Stocks

5. RESOLUTION: Bank Resolution

5. ACTION: Per Diem for Trustees

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1. ACTION: Revised Policy for Conferring Emeritus Status

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1. RESOLUTION: 99 Years Use Permit to V.I. Port Authority

2. ACTION: Appeal of Tenure Decision

3. RESOLUTION: Resolution: Granting Easement to WAPA

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1. RESOLUTION: American Motors, Inns. Inc. Gift

2. ACTION: Designation of Applicant's Agent (FEMA)

3. ACTION: The College's Mission

4. ACTION: Appreciation to Outgoing Board members for Services Rendered

5. ACTION: Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology

6. ACTION: Elimination of the Associate in Arts Degree in Science Technology

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1. ACTION: The Quasi-Endowment Funds - Telecommunication System

2. ACTION: Deletion of Ideas and Issues as General Education Requirement

3. RESOLUTION: To Authorize an Eastern Caribbean Center

4. RESOLUTION: Gift of property from Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Koch

5. RESOLUTION: Establishment of Fund for Plant Renewals and Replacements

6. RESOLUTION: Sale of Shares of Gannett Stock

7. RESOLUTION: Inter fund Stock Purchases and Sale of Odd Lot Shares

8. RESOLUTION: Two Day Board of Trustees Meetings

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1. ACTION: Authorization to Grant Research Faculty status to Researchers, Scientists and Program Leaders

2. ACTION: Increase in Fees

Disposition of Parcel No. 21 Estate Upper Bethlehem

4. RESOLUTION: Sale of Shares of Stock from Sam Pivar

5. RESOLUTION: Exchange of Long-Term Use Permit between CVI and VI Port Authority

6. RESOLUTION: Purchase of Computer Equipment for Instruction

7. ACTION: Certification of Motion Approved by Board re: Transfer of Funds

8. RESOLUTION: Purchase of Equipment for Journalism

9. ACTION: Visitation Policy re Residence Hall of the College of the VI

10. ACTION: Authorization for Use of Board Reserve Fund

11. ACTION: Modification of the Tenure Policy

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1. RESOLUTION: to Establish the Foundation for the College of the Virgin Islands, Inc. includes Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws

2. ACTION: Certification: To Establish Employer and Employee Contribution to the TIAA/CREF

3. ACTION: Approval of Budget Guidelines for 1986-87 and FY 1987 Appropriation Request

4. ACTION: Revision of the Procedure for Confirmation of Faculty Appointments

5. ACTION: Increase in Per Diem and Allowance for Travel on Assignment

6. ACTION: Revision of the Sick Leave Policy for Teaching Faculty

7. RESOLUTION: on Tax Liability for Housing Allowance for Faculty

8. RESOLUTION: Resolution on Authorization for Access to Safe Deposit Box

9. RESOLUTION: Investment Accounts Resolution

10. RESOLUTION: Bank Resolution

11. RESOLUTION: Resolution of the Board of Trustees (ENRON GIFT)

12. RESOLUTION: Permanent and Public Directors of the Foundation of the UVI

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1. ACTION: Certification of Board Authorization to Underwrite 25th Anniversary Celebration

2. RESOLUTION: Minor Coastal Zone Permit No. CZT-8-87W

3. RESOLUTION: to Write-Off the Overrun of the Cost of Construction of the Reichhold Center for the Arts

4. RESOLUTION: Approval of Budget Guidelines 1987 and FY1987 Appropriation Request

5. RESOLUTION: to rename the Foundation from "College to "University 

6. RESOLUTION: for the Establishment of a Pooled Income Fund by the UVI

7. RESOLUTION: Board of Trustees Cash Management Program Resolution

8. RESOLUTION: to Thank Mr. Henry Reichhold for the Donation of a Center for the Caribbean Arts

9. RESOLUTION: to Thank V.I. Rum Industries, Ltd. For the Gift of Scholarship Aid

10. RESOLUTION: to Authorize an Agreement for the Design of Plans & Specifications of a Center for Caribbean Arts

11. RESOLUTION: to Thank the United Negro College Fund for its assistance to the University

12. RESOLUTION: Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees- Agreement with de Jongh and Associates for development of plans and specifications and other professional services for Center for Caribbean Arts

13. RESOLUTION: Board of Trustees Cash Management Resolution

14. ACTION: Approval of $2.2 Million Loan Reservation

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1. ACTION: Bachelor of Arts in Accounting on the St. Croix Campus

2. ACTION: Review of the Tenure Policy

3. RESOLUTION: Designation of United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Funds - Margin of Excellence Program

4. RESOLUTION: Budget Resolution of the Disposition of Increase in FY87-88 Legislative Appropriation

5. RESOLUTION: Approval of Budget Guidelines FY1989

6. ACTION: Acceptance of Unconditional Gifts

Family Tuition Awards

8. RESOLUTION: Budget Authorization Resolution FY 1988-1989

9. RESOLUTION: Executive Committee - Approve the adoption and implementation of a new job classification and pay plan for UVI employees

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1. RESOLUTION: Approval of Budget Guidelines and FY1990 Appropriation Request

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Updated 09.01.11