College of Science & Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Mathematics Programs

For More Information Contact

Title Name
Dean (Interim) Michelle Peterson, Ph.D.
Department Chair Robert Stolz, Ph.D.
Administrative Assistant Marlene Gookool

Tentative Schedule of Course Offerings

St. Thomas Campus
Course No. Description Fall Even Yrs Fall Odd Yrs Spring Even Yrs Spring Odd Yrs
**MAT 023-024 Developmental (ND) X X X X
*MAT 140 College Algebra X X X X
*MAT 232 Calc for Bus/SSc X X X X
*MAT 235 Intro to Stats X X X X
MAT 143- Pre-Calc Algebra & Trig X X X X
MAT 142 College Trigonometry X X X X
MAT 215 Number Theory X X
MAT 241 Calculus I X X X X
MAT 242 Calculus II
MAT 233 Discrete Mathematics X X
MAT 261 Linear Algebra X X
MAT 301 Modern Geometry X
MAT 332 Mathematical Statistics X
MAT 341 Intermediate Calculus I X X
MAT 342 Intermediate Calculus II X X
MAT 346 Differential Equations X X
MAT 386 History & Phil. of Math X
MAT 325 Numerical Analysis X X
MAT 352 Math. Modeling X
MAT 362 Abstract Algebra X
MAT 397 Junior Seminar I X X
MAT 398 Junior Seminar II X X
MAT 344 Probability X
MAT 348 Complex Analysis X
MAT 441 Intro. Analysis l X
MAT 442 Intro. Analysis Il X
MAT 458 Topology X
MAT 461 Abstract Algebra II X
MAT 465-466 Selected Topics as needed as needed as needed as needed
MAT 497 Senior Seminar I X X
MAT 498 Senior Seminar II X X
MAT 496 Internship X X X X
MAT 499 Independent Study X X X X
St. Croix Campus
Course No. Description Fall Even Yrs Fall Odd Yrs Spring Even Yrs Spring Odd Yrs
**MAT 023-024 Developmental(ND) X X X X
*MAT 140 College Algebra X X X X
*MAT 232 Calc for Bus/SSc X X X X
*MAT 235 Intro to Stats X X X X
MAT 143 Pre-Calc Algebra X X X X
MAT 142 College Trig X X
MAT 241 Calculus I X X
MAT 242 Calculus II X X
MAT 215 Introduction to Number Theory are offered, usually by videoconferencing, based on need and availability
MAT 233 Discrete Mathematics are offered, usually by videoconferencing, based on need and availability
MAT 261 Linear Algebra are offered, usually by videoconferencing, based on need and availability

** Non-Degree credit foundational courses
* Courses offered but not accepted for mathematics majors