Bachelor of Arts in ChemistryDepartment of Chemical and Physical Sciences
Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry
College of Science and Mathematics

Program Description

The chemistry program is centered on a core curriculum of coursework and laboratory experiences, including fundamental chemistry research.  The entire full-time chemistry faculty has PhD degrees in the field of Chemistry.  Active chemistry research activities center around natural products chemistry, analytical chemistry (e.g. water quality, electrochemical measurements), chemical education research, theoretical spectroscopy (primarily peptides), and inorganic chemistry (e.g. design of selective binding ligands for actinides and lanthanides, and organometallic catalysis). The chemistry program and facilities are well equipped to do almost any chemical measurement or analysis. Equipment, that is directly available for use by our students, includes: Low-field (60 MHz H-1 and 15 MHz C-13) FT-NMR, a Varian 660 FTIR, a Varian Liquid Chromatograph with a photo-diode array detector, a Cary-One UV-Vis spectrophotometer equipped with a temperature controlled Peltier Cell, a Varian Liquid Chromatograph and a Varian Gas Chromatograph, both equipped with ion-trap mass spectrometer detectors, a Varian Fluorescence spectrophotometer, a Varian ICP-MS, a Braun inert atmosphere drybox equipped the a low temperature freezer and external input jacks for doing electrochemical measurements, a Metrohm ion chromatograph, and a Metrohm voltammetric analyzer.

  • Students can complete either the complete four years of study on St. Thomas or can complete the first year of study towards a BS in Chemistry on St. Croix and the final three years on St. Thomas.
  • Students graduating in chemistry have gone on to obtain graduate degrees in chemistry, medical degrees, pharmacy degrees, dental degrees or have gone into secondary teaching.
  • The chemistry faculty consists of three faculty on St. Thomas and one on St. Croix who are all available for advising new and current students.

Program Information

For More Information Contact

Title Name
Dean Sandra Romano, PhD
Department Chair Stanley Latesky, PhD
Administrative Assistant STX Julene Chapman
Administrative Specialist STT Marlene Parrott-Gokool