Just testing

History of the Program

The University of the Virgin Islands Board of Trustees held a special session which approved policies and procedures to aide with the implementation of the long awaited Act No. 8155, the Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship Program. This program requires that financial aid be granted to residents of the Virgin Islands for post-secondary education at UVI. VIHESP will be available to residents pursuing their first degree who graduate from a private, public or parochial high school regardless of age, date of graduation or household income. It was voted unanimously by the Board to approve the policies and procedures.

Introduced by Lt. Gov. Tregenza Roach who was a Senator at the time and signed by former Governor Kenneth Mapp, this program will open the doors to individuals who did not pursue a higher education due to financial restraints. Some of the requirements for recipients of the tuition aid program are to maintain a GPA of 2.50 and to work in the Territory for a specific length of time after graduation. The University will collaborate with the Department of Labor to secure job placement for scholarship recipients. The VIHESP policies and procedures will be published on the University’s website, www.uvi.edu

UVI Board Approves Free Tuition Policies & Procedures

Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship Program 32nd Legislature of the Virgin Islands Act 8155

Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship Program UVI Policies Procedures

Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship Program Work Service Requirements

Appendix 3 VI Higher Education Scholarship Program Master Agreement

UVI Free Tuition Information
Priority Application Filing Dates (all students, all forms)

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The priority application deadline date has been extended! Free tuition awards will be made until funds are exhausted.

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VI Higher Education Scholarship Program (Free Tuition) Policies & Procedures

The University's Board of Trustees approved policies and procedures to aide with the implementation of Act No. 8155, the Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship Program, which requires that financial aid be granted to residents of the Virgin Islands for post-secondary education at UVI.

Dr. Hall's Editorial

University of the Virgin Islands President Dr. David Hall

On January 4, 2019 Governor Kenneth E. Mapp signed into law Act 8155, entitled the Virgin Islands Higher Education Scholarship program. This bill was introduced by Senator Tregenza Roach, who now serves as Lieutenant Governor, and was unanimously supported by the 32nd Legislature.

This Act is part of a national movement that is attempting to transform the nation’s understanding of the role and importance of higher education to the future of this country. Numerous states have enacted laws which provide free tuition for community colleges. Only the state of New York has enacted legislation that provides free tuition for four-year baccalaureate degrees. There are also various private colleges that have developed free tuition programs. However, with the passage and signing of Act 8155, the Virgin Islands becomes the first and the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) now becomes the first Historically Black College and University (HBCU) that provides comprehensive free tuition to students within its state or jurisdiction. Read more: Editorial: A Compelling Case for Free Tuition

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St. Thomas: (340) 693-1160  |  St. Croix: (340) 693-1160